Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV

Rem-nii was talking to uncle. I wonder what was taking so long... Maybe I should just go and check, they wouldn't mind...hopefully. *gasp* I ran in front of Rem and took the hit instead.

"(Y/n)? Get out," Rem-nii ordered.
"No, why are you doing this? He's your son! He won't be capable of getting the grimoire if you beat him up."
"Get out like your cousin told you too. This is none of your business. Listen, I don't want to hurt you because you remind me of your parents...but I have to if you keep interfering."
"I'm not leaving."

He just sighed and continued to scold Rem for not getting the grimoire. I kept blocking his attacks. After a while, I stumbled but Rem caught me. He shielded me and pushed me outside. The curtain turned rock hard (I know it doesn't but just pretend it does).

"It's times like this when I'm glad I'm not the Arnold heir," Urie exclaimed. I didn't listen to their arguing and went off to get some books.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" Mage asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"Well, you do have scratches... Poor thing," Shiki replied. I just shrugged. They all disappeared somewhere. *sigh* Rem-nii came out.
"Rem-nii, are you..." He had more scratches than me.
"I'm fine... Damn it, I can't do it."
"Do what?"
"...kill you. Father told me to kill you because he can't. He said that if you ever interfered again, I had to kill you."
"Oh..." He pat my head.
"Don't worry, I won't ever try to kill you even if I was forced to." I hugged him.
"Thank you Rem-nii."

He went to lie down. What as there to do now? And everyone was so keen on getting that forbidden grimoire. I wonder what everyone was doing now...

Rem fell asleep. I carefully put a blanket over him. Where was Loewen? I haven't seen him all day. I played chess by myself, I should start going to class. Seriously, staying in here sometimes got too boring. I wonder how they survived it.

I went outside only to be pinned against the wall. I could easily break out of the girl's grasp but I couldn't let them know what I was.

"Stay away from them!"
"Who said you could order me around?"
"Us, you will listen to us."
"Why should I?"
"Or would you rather us kill you?"
"Doubt you could."
"Just leave the student council alone!" I just shrugged. They banged me against the wall.
"Do as we say!"
"Why not?! I'll call the cops!"
"Don't care." They pushed me. I almost fell down the stairs but Urie appeared out of nowhere and steadied me.
"U-Urie-san?! We were just um..." one of the girl's started off.
"Don't you torture my little butterfly now."
"What's going on?" Mage asked after walking up the stairs.

Shiki followed him. Urie gestured towards them. The two girls tried to impress them with their looks but it didn't seem to be working.

"Look, if you ever think of hurting her physically or even mentally, I'll think of you two as only two pieces of trash," Mage threatened.
"O-okay...but what does she mean to you? What does she have that we don't?"
"First of all, we think of her as a sister and second, everything," Shiki answered. They were stunned. Urie dragged me back inside.
"I'm sorry I caused you guys so much trouble." They just shrugged. Suddenly, a gigantic spider jumped onto my shoulder.
"Ah!" I pushed it off only to see that it was fake.
"Who did that?!" They pointed at each other. I froze their hair.
"Get this off me!" I laughed.

Rem got up. I smiled at him. I could tell by the look on his face that something was up. I followed him to...well, somewhere. I heard Ritsuka and Loewen's voices. We hid behind the poles.

He was saying something about the forbidden grimoire and Lord Maksis. He...still worked for him? I thought he was gonna stay with us... I wiped the few tears away. Ritsuka was about to take off her ring off but Rem-nii stopped her. Loewen suddenly grabbed her and held his sharp nails to her throat.

"Let her go." He ribbed off her ribbon and there was blood under her shirt.
"Loewen? I trusted you..."
"Sorry (Y/n)."

Lindo suddenly appeared. Loewen quickly hid somewhere. Lindo saw the blood and thought that Rem did it. His eyes turned red. He was turning into his dhampir form. I pushed Ritsuka to the side and shielded Rem. His nails were sharp.

"(Y/n), move!"
"No! You're gonna get hurt."

Ritsuka looked really shocked. I held Lindo hands. His nails pricked my skin. Oww... My hands felt like they were burning. Rem pushed me away. Ritsuka ran over to me.

"Would you really destroy Ritsuka?!" Rem asked Lindo.

He turned back to his normal self. Rem disappeared. We appeared in a garden. They took me back to their home. Ritsuka helped treat my wounds. I couldn't heal myself.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry..." Lindo apologised. He hugged me.
"It's alright, you didn't mean to." He handed us a cup of tea.
"Thanks." My hands still hurt from before so the cup was shaking. Ritsuka held it for me.
"Sorry." She smiled.
"Don't worry about it." I leaned against Lindo's shoulder and fell asleep.

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