Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s POV

Today was the ball and festival.

"Come on (Y/n), you have to come!" Ritsuka exclaimed.
"Why? Balls really aren't my thing."
"Ugh, fine."
"Yay." She smiled cheerfully.
"If you don't mind, I better go see Rem-nii now. Bye, see you later." She waved. I went to the third library.
"The forbidden grimoire is in Vienna," Rem said. What? Was he lying? Wasn't it inside Ritsuka? He looked at me as if to tell me to keep it a secret.
"(Y/n), is that right? Sometimes, we just can't tell if he's lying or not," Urie said.
"Y-yeah, it is."
"Glad that we have another friend that knows what Rem knows," Mage added. I giggled.
"Shiki, you look lonely."
"It feels different without Loewen."
"Oh..." I trusted him so much. I took out a picture I had of us altogether.
"You kept that?!" Mage asked, surprised.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He shrugged. I shoved it back into my pocket. They all went outside.
"Bye Rem-nii, see you tonight...hopefully."

He gave me a small smile. I followed the others. What were they up to? Wait, what?! They were trying to steal the grimoire so that uncle couldn't rule... Well, whatever. It wasn't even in Vienna. I cleared my throat. They all jumped.

"You startled me, little butterfly," said Urie.
"I thought you guys knew I was here."
"Poor thing, not aware of our thoughts," Shiki exclaimed.

I went to see if the festival was set up. Wow, everything looked great. And it was my first time going to one, same for the ball. I usually skipped them and stayed in the third library with Loewen. I was gonna miss him.

But this time, it was different. I had Ritsuka and Lindo with me. Hopefully Azuna would still want to be friends. I walked around, looking at the different stalls.

"(Y/n), over here." I looked in the direction the sound came from and saw Ritsuka. I walked over towards them.
"Hey guys." Ritsuka and Azuna smiled at me.
"I'm sorry about before."
"Don't worry about it," Azuna replied with a smile. Suddenly, we saw Lindo squashed between two stalls.
"Um, is he supposed to be doing that?"
"No... Ritsuka replied.
"I'll go tell him to stop."
"Thanks." I pulled him out.
"What are you doing? At least act like a normal citizen if you want to protect Ritsuka."
"Hehe, just trying to stay hidden." I giggled.
"Well, then try to blend in." Ritsuka and Azuna were gone for some reason. We went behind the stalls.
"Hey guys." They all smiled at me.
"Wait!" I stepped in front of them and the holy water hit me instead. Ouch.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Azuna asked.
"Don't hurt them please." Lindo just sighed. Suddenly, their fangirls came and took them away. I laughed, they were hopeless.
"Sorry (Y/n), did that hurt?" Azuna asked. Ritsuka and Lindo looked at me worriedly.
"No, I'm fine."
"Anyway, let's go back," Ritsuka said.

We headed back but I was pulled away from the group. The girls had come back to 'torture' me. I tripped and fell. Ritsuka and Azuna didn't notice and continued walking. *sigh* I was glad I wasn't gonna cause them any trouble.

"I told you to stay away!"
"Just shut up! Haven't you ever thought about how I feel?! Don't you people have hearts?!" They looked shocked and came back with boys.
"She was bullying us," one of the girls said.

The buff boys came up to me. I closed my eyes and prepared for lots of punches but only felt warm arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw Lindo.

"Huh? What are you doing?"
"Protecting you from these bullies." I smiled at him. He kicked them, causing them to run away. Such cowards.
"You're welcome." He stared into my eyes. *blush* I looked away.

~Some time later~

I was wearing a dark blue dress that went down to my ankles. It had pretty designs on it and had two layers with the top layer as see-through lace. It had off-shoulder sleeves and showed my curves. I wore a matching necklace and earrings.

My hair was tied up in a bun with a few strands of hair by the side of face. I had a small blue bow in the bun. I wore white ballet flats with a bow on it. I was too nervous to go but Rem-nii grabbed my hand and dragged me there. They gave us each a glass. Rem got the crown, so did Ritsuka.

"Have fun, Rem-nii." I went over to Urie and the others.
"Dance with me," they all said at the same time.
"Um..." Lindo just pulled me to the dance floor.
"Damnit!" Mage said.
"We should've been faster." They started arguing. I mentally giggled.
"Where did you learn to dance?" Lindo asked.
"With Rem-nii and Loewen."
"Oh... You look beautiful."
"*blush* Stop joking around."
"I'm not."

The dance finished and they decided to go back but somehow, I was dragged with them. Suddenly, a bunch of vampires attacked us. Oh no... We protected Ritsuka but Azuna got stabbed by...him. I remember now, he tried to kill my parents and now he wanted to kill my friend?!

"What do you want with me?!"

I attacked him. He just laughed and kept dodging. A light surrounded us. He got away. Oww, I fell to my knees. I looked at Ritsuka. She was mourning over Azuna's death. I couldn't r-resist it...anymore. I blacked out.

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