Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV

Rem came in a few minutes after I did.

"Hey, how was your date?"
"It was good, I suppose," he replied as if nothing had happened. Eh, seriously?
"At least be a bit more enthusiastic about it. Come on, it was your first date with Ritsuka."

He just walked past me. What was up with him? *sigh* I went to my room and sat down. I called Ritsuka.

"Oh, hi (Y/n)..."
"What's wrong? You sound upset."
"It's nothing, I'll get over it soon. Anyway, enough about me...what have you been up to?"
"I just got home but something's up with Rem-nii."
"Oh...bye, talk to you later."
"Okay, bye."

I put my phone away. Rem-nii and Ritsuka were both upset about something. Why wouldn't anyone tell me what was going on? Well, no time to worry about that now.

I laid down on my bed then I heard a knock at my window. I opened the balcony window and was immediately pulled into a pair of strong arms.

"We'll miss you, little butterfly."
"Why? What's going on?"
"We're...going on a little vacation," Mage replied. I smiled.
"Hope you have fun and don't forget to bring me a souvenir." They looked away.
"It's...not that kind of vacation," Shiki answered.
"We're...going back to the devil world," Urie exclaimed. What? No!
"There is nothing for us to do in this world now that the forbidden grimoire is gone."
"He's right," Rem-nii suddenly said out of nowhere.
"You're going as well?!" He nodded slowly.
"But...I've been with you guys my whole life, you can't...leave me..."
"You have Lindo and Ritsuka," Mage replied.
"But that's different! You guys are my family!" Tears filled my eyes.
"(Y/n), we'll never forget you."
"You'll come back...right?"
"Who knows?"
"No! Please don't leave!" I began crying. Shiki wiped away my tears.
"Don't cry, little butterfly." I hugged all of them.
"Please...don't leave me by myself." Suddenly, I felt really sleepy.
"Goodbye...(Y/n), we'll never forget our precious little sister." No!

Rem's POV

I caught (Y/n) before she fell and put her on her bed. I left her a note while the others gave her a gift.

"Rem, are you crying?" Urie asked.
"Like you guys aren't."
"She sure brought a smile to our faces," Shiki commented. We took one last look at her before teleporting to the devil world.

(Y/n)'s POV

~A few hours later~

I woke up. There were some things next to me.

"Huh?" I read the letter first:

Dear (Y/n),
I don't know when I'll be coming back or even if I will be able to go back. But this does not mean I will ever forget you. You brought a smile to my face and gave me happiness before Ritsuka came into my life. Please don't cry, it hurts me to think that you're upset. I'll always remember you as my sweet little 'sister'.

Tears filled my eyes after I read it. It felt like there was a hole in my heart. I checked the other things. Mage had given me a little wooden thing with a chibi version of myself with the words 'I love food' next to it.

I smiled. Urie gave me a small jar filled with little roses. Shiki had given me a flower made out of feathers. I put them in a safe place and changed into my pj's. Then I went back to sleep.

~In the morning~

I woke up and changed into a cute dress. I brushed my hair and put on ballet flats then went to Ritsuka's place.

"Hey (Y/n)."
"Don't worry, they're gonna come back...right?"
"They don't know." I cried and hugged her. She smiled gently. Lindo came and saw us.
"(Y/n)?" I looked at him with puffy, red eyes. He wiped my tears away.
"You'll always have us." I managed to smile.
"Yeah..." Maria gave me a tissue.
"Want to have some?" Lindo asked. I nodded.
"Didn't you have breakfast?" Ritsuka asked. I shook my head.
"Usually Rem-nii tells the cook to prepare what I want...but..."
"Oh..." I spent the rest of the day with them.

(A/N): Sorry about the shorter chapter

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