Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

The next morning, we took Ritsuka to school. When we arrived, everyone started whispering about why Ritsuka was with us. She looked uncomfortable with everyone talking about her like that. She went to talk to Azuna.

"Bye Ritsuka." She waved. I went to the third library, as usual.
"Oi (Y/n), have any disgusting human food?" Mage asked. I sweatdropped.
"First of all, if it's disgusting, why do you want it? And second, it's not disgusting."
"I'm hungry and you're always telling me not to eat their souls so what else can I eat?"
"Of course you can't eat their souls!" He just shrugged. I sighed and gave him some food.
"My little butterfly, care to join me?" Urie asked.
"No offence but your um 'butterflies' creep me out."

He just smiled and left for a while. I sat down reading a book. I sometimes skipped my lessons if I felt like it. It wasn't a problem since Loewen tutored me at home.

~A few minutes later~

Ritsuka came in. Urie went towards her.

"I'm Urie Sogami. Dump that silly Rem and come to me for help."
"Um..." Shiki went there as well.
"You poor poor thing, Rem told us what happened to you. I'm Shiki Natsumezaka.'
"It makes me shudder to think what will happen to you."
"As usual, Shiki's being a creep."
"Come to me for help. Come to Mage Nanashiro." Urie went towards her.
"Get your stinky flowers out of here," said Mage.
"Says the person who reeks of sweat," Urie argued back.
"Sweat is a man's badge of honour," Mage stated proudly. I sweatdropped. They started arguing.
"They're always like that. But me..." Shiki started.

Suddenly, Loewen - in his dog form - bit Shiki's leg. They argued as well. I laughed at their hopeless fights. Ritsuka noticed me and smiled. Rem came in.

"I was just talking to the police," he told her.
"Did they find my mum?!"
"No but they did manage to get a GPS signal for a moment," Rem replied.

~Some time later~

We were now on the way to Ritsuka's grandfather's house.

"Eat," Rem said.
"I'm not hungry," Ritsuka replied.
"At times like this, one must eat properly." Ritsuka stared at him.
"Oh, its just that Azuna said the same thing." She got a plate and picked up some food.
"It's delicious!" Rem was taking the shitake mushrooms out of the sushi.
"You don't like shitake mushrooms?" Ritsuka asked.
"I don't dislike them. They are not food," Rem replied.
"(Y/n), aren't you gonna eat?" Ritsuka asked.
"No, I don't feel like it."
"At least eat something."

I hesitantly dug in and ate most of the food. I sensed that Rem was mentally smiling. Ritsuka looked at me with wide eyes.

"Is this why you refused?" she asked. I nodded, embarrassed. She looked out the window.
"There it is!"

We arrived and got off before going inside. Ritsuka went to look for her mum but had no luck finding Maria. Rem picked up a phone.

"That's mum's!" Ritsuka took the phone.
"So she was here..." We were gonna go but the door wouldn't open.
"We're trapped." There was fire in a room. Rem used the curtain to dampen it.
"I'll get the fire extinguisher." Ritsuka went out of the room.
"No, don't!" But it was too late. I put the fire out with snow.
"Come on!" We ran to the kitchen. Rem kicked the vampire out of the way.
"Ritsuka, come on. Rem-nii can take care of this." She hesitated but soon went. I looked at him. He just nodded. I ran outside.

~A few minutes later~

Rem came out safe.

"Told you he'll be fine. He is my cousin after all." She looked relieved. We went back.
"Will we ever find my mum?" Ritsuka asked sadly.
"Have faith, Ritsuka. Don't give up." I smiled at her. She smiled backed.
"Rem-nii, I'm going to sleep." He nodded.

This'd give them some time to talk alone without me, a third wheel. I leaned against his shoulder and fell asleep. When I woke up, we had already arrived. Ritsuka stepped out of the limo. Rem got out as well, I went out after him. Lindo was there. His eyes slowly drifted to me. I smiled at him.

(A/N): Sorry for the shorter chapter. Someone at home's really mad at me for writing 'useless' stories every night rather than doing house chores. Sorry for the inconvenience today.

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