Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and got changed for school. I left a note saying that I was leaving. I went to the third library and saw everyone there.

"Shiki, don't torture Loewen."

He was pulling his fur out to make a teddy bear. (I know this happens later in the episode but I'll just put it here for now). I held Loewen away from him.

"Oi, why are you showing so much affection to the dog?" Mage asked.
"Dogs are cute."
"And you're saying we're not?" Urie asked.
"Yeah...I'm just kidding."

I let Loewen go. I grabbed some books and started my boring study. Loewen helped tutor me. Mage was sleeping and Shiki was...well, being Shiki. I think Urie was around resting or something and obviously Rem-nii was sitting at his desk, thinking about his plans.

"Thanks Loewen, I get it now."

He smiled and disappeared. I continued to finish the assignments that were sent to me. I had actually finished the six assignments that I was assigned. Phew, no more work.

"Hey (Y/n), do this for me," said Mage. He threw a maths book at me. I caught it and finished it in a few minutes.
"Here...wait, you don't even take lessons. Why do you need it?"
"I didn't, it was just to help you with your studies," he replied.
"More like make the poor girl do more work," Shiki said. I went to read some books.

~Lunch time~

I went to the cafeteria since I didn't bring lunch. Looked like Lindo was really popular. He waved at Ritsuka. She hid behind a tray.

"You two know each other?! Oooh, look at that ring, it looks pricey. Did he get it for you? Are you dating?" a girl asked Ritsuka. She shook her head.
"He's my brother!"

I just smiled. I got the food and left. I didn't want to bother them. They've been with me long enough. I've already spent about two nights at their place. While I was walking down the hallway, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around. Lindo smiled at me.

"I haven't seen you at all in the morning," he exclaimed.
"Sorry about that, I was with Rem-nii and the others." His smile faded when I said that.
"What's wrong with being with them? They're my closest friends, they wouldn't hurt me." He sighed.
"I know... Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the garden.
"What are we doing here?"
"Just getting some fresh air."

I sat down beside him. We sat there in silence but it wasn't awkward. I felt his eyes on me. My cheeks began to heat up. I looked the other way to hide my blush. He lifted my chin up.

"You look cute when you blush," he exclaimed.
"S-shut up." He just smiled. He got up and held out a hand. I took it and stood up.
"Well, they must be missing their food so I better get going. Bye Lindo." He waved. I teleported to the third library. Mage just left.
"What took you so long?" Shiki whined.
"Sorry, I just had a chat with someone." I gave them some of the food I brought with me.

~Some time later~

Mage was gone for some time. I wonder what he was doing... Oh no, he was probably with Ritsuka! Ugh, I didn't even know where they were. Guess I'd just have to wait for them to come back. I went outside. Some girls came up to me.

"Would you mind telling us why you're always in the third library with the student council?" one of them asked.
"They're my closest friends so why wouldn't I be there?"
"You should be in class and not stealing their hearts away!"
"*sigh* I like them as brothers, not lovers and I doubt they like me like that."

I walked away, hoping to avoid more arguments. Hmm, Mage wasn't back yet... I teleported to an abandoned building. He had just arrived there.

"I won't forgive anyone that will besmirch Ritsuka!" Lindo exclaimed. She ran over to me. Lindo and Mage started fighting over her.
"Protect Ritsuka...even if it costs me my life..." Lindo muttered to himself.

I couldn't stand them fighting each other! I clenched my heart and wiped my tears away. Ritsuka stood between their final attacks.

"Ritsuka!" they both yelled at the same time. They pulled their attacks back.
"Just stop! Can't you see the state (Y/n)'s in?!" They turned their heads towards me. Mage picked me up.
"Let her go!" Lindo demanded. He looked at me with apologetic eyes.
"Next time, I'll have you saying you're mine for sure," Mage said to Ritsuka before leaving. When we arrived, he put me down on the couch.
"Sorry (Y/n)," he exclaimed apologetically. I smiled weakly.
"Don't worry about it." He left. Rem gave me some medicine. I fell asleep.

Lindo's POV

Ritsuka was taking a shower. How could I have forgotten about (Y/n)'s condition?! *sigh* Please forgive me... How could I forget the one I love?...

"What are you thinking about?" Ritsuka asked.
"Oh, nothing."
"Don't worry, I'm sure (Y/n) will be fine."
"Yeah, you're right."

(A/N): Sorry for the shorter chapter

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