Sad Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up. Lindo was still here. I nudged him. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh? Good morning (Y/n)."
"Morning (Y/n)." I went to get ready. When I came out, Lindo and Rem were awkwardly sitting there.
"I came to tell you that breakfast is ready," Rem-nii replied.
"Oh, okay." We followed him to the dining hall.
"Yum! (breakfast) is my favourite."
"Yeah, I told them," Mage exclaimed.
"No, I was the one that told you all about little butterfly's favourite," Urie argued.
"I am the one that obviously knew her favourite," added Shiki.
"I have to correct you all, I was the one that knew," Loewen said.
"So who was it?"
"It was me," Rem-nii replied.
"Damn," the others said. I giggled. I sat down and started eating the delicious food.
"May I please have seconds?" They laughed.
"Of course, Miss (Y/n)," (butler name) replied. Lindo pat my head.
"I sometimes wonder how you are still so skinny even though you eat a lot," Mage said. The others nodded in agreement.
"I'll take that as a compliment."

~Some time later~

I was walking around the place. This was because I was bored.

"Hey (Y/n), want to go somewhere?" Lindo asked. I nodded. I told the chauffeur to get the limo ready.
"Seriously?" Lindo asked.
"Yeah, the only car I have control over. Rem-nii won't let me take the Ferrari."
"Ferrari?!" he asked, surprised. I smiled and nodded. We got on.
"Where to?" asked the chauffeur. I nudged Lindo.
"Oh uh, to the city please," he replied. I lay on Lindo's shoulder and fell asleep.

~About 30 minutes later~

I slowly opened my eyes.

"(Y/n), we've arrived," Lindo said.
"Oh." The chauffeur opened the door. We got out.
"Come on."

Lindo grabbed my hand and took me to a cosy-looking cafe. I immediately sat down in a nearby spot. Lindo smiled and sat down next to me. We ordered some food.

"So, how's it going with Ritsuka?"
"She's always talking about Rem," he replied. I laughed.
"How's it going with me?" Lindo asked.
"Seriously?" He laughed. Our food came but its scent was different.
"Lindo, don't eat that."
"Why not?"
"It smells it's poisoned."
"But why would someone want to poison us?" he asked, confused.
"I'm not sure." Suddenly, (r/n) stormed into the cafe.
"I knew it!" she said, angered.
"Is something wrong?"
"You're not human! You smelt that it was different!" she yelled.
"(r/n), calm down-"
"I put the poison in there on purpose! You know that ice in the third library? It was you all along! You're a devil. Guess what? They killed my parents!"
"That has nothing to do with (Y/n)," Lindo interrupted.
"Yes it does! She lied to me and she's one of them!"
"That gives you no right to talk to her like that. She did nothing to you!"
"Ugh! Next time I see you, I'll be ready." She ran out with tears in her eyes. I looked down. I never knew... Lindo lifted my chin up.
"Hey, it's not your fault."

~At home~

I stayed in my room all day. I did something horrible to my friend and I didn't even know what I had done. I buried my head in my knees. Someone came in.

"Hey (Y/n)..." Ritsuka came and sat down next to me.
"Everything's gonna be alright," she said gently.
"That's what everyone says but most of the time, it turns out to be the opposite." She sighed.
"You're right, but at least have a little faith." I nodded. She left then someone else came in. It was Lindo. He hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"I'll be going back for a while. Don't think about it too much," he said.
"Okay, bye." He left. I fell asleep.

~In the middle of the night~

I couldn't fall asleep again. I decided to have a little walk so I went outside. Suddenly, a strong blast of magic hit me. I used my arms to shield myself.

"I'm gonna kill you no matter what. You're the only devil I found and killing one will satisfy me," she exclaimed.
"Please-" She attacked me again and again. I couldn't hurt her, she was my friend. Then Rem shot magic at her.

"Don't touch her. She may not be able to hurt you but I can," he said.
"Rem-nii..." He smiled at me.
"I'll take care of this."
"No! I have to kill her!" (r/n) argued.
"You said you had to kill a devil, right? I'm one as well, kill me if you can," Rem-nii said.

She grunted and chanted some exorcist spells. Then Lindo came. He attacked her with some of his exorcist spells.

"You're an exorcist?! You're supposed to be attacking them!" (r/n) yelled.
"Well, I left the organisation," he replied. They kept attacking her but she was strong. The others came.
"She's not human, she' me."
"Half vampire, half devil, huh?" Urie asked.
"This'll be fun," Mage said.
"She must hate herself for being a devil, poor thing," Shiki exclaimed.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" she yelled.

Then a bright light appeared. We covered our eyes since it was blinding. Something stabbed my heart. I gasped and coughed out blood. The light disappeared and (r/n) was in front of me. She laughed. I collapsed.

Lindo's POV

(r/n) had stabbed (Y/n). My eyes glowed red and my nails grew long.

"How could you?!" I kept attacking her until she was dead. I ran to (Y/n)'s side.
"(Y/n), don't die on me!"
"Lindo...I" She closed her eyes.
"(Y/n), no! Don't!" Tears poured out of my eyes.
"Don't leave me by myself..."

I loved you too! The others looked really sad. I looked at her limp body one more time before storming off. (r/n) killed her, I will never forgive her! I would kill whoever tried to hurt my loved ones.

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