Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Rem, this is my brother, Lindo. Lindo, that's the student council president, Rem Kaginuki," Ritsuka introduced them.
"Come on, Ritsuka, let's go." Lindo grabbed her hand then grabbed mine. Huh? Rem grabbed my other hand, causing Lindo to stop.
"Let go of her," they both said at the same time. Um...
"Rem-nii, if you don't mind, I'll catch up with Lindo for a while." He hesitantly nodded. I smiled at him. Lindo dragged us away.
"Oww, Lindo. You're hurting me," Ritsuka exclaimed. We went to their house. Lindo immediately hugged me after we went inside.
"I missed you... You have a lot to tell me."
"Yeah hehe."
"First of all, why'd call him 'Rem-nii'?" he asked.
"He's my cousin but I like to think of him as a brother."

Lindo's eyes widened. I told him what had happened ever since I left. He said that he had been searching for me ever since the day I disappeared.

"Oh...I never knew, I'm sorry."
"It's alright, just don't leave us again." We talked for a bit then went to bed.

~Middle of the night~

I woke up, sweating. It was just a dream. *sigh in relief* Ritsuka and Lindo were asleep so I decided to go outside and look at the stars. This always helped calm me down when Rem-nii wasn't around.

"Can't sleep?" Lindo asked. I nodded.
"How was England? Did you learn some new stuff?" He nodded and smiled.
"...once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She lived a sad life. Everyone loved her only for her beauty and status. She left due to all the hard ache and found true love. They loved each other a lot but one day, her father sent knights to capture her. They accidentally killed both of them but they died holding each other and their love-filled blood grew into a plant that could heal all..." Lindo finished the story.

Lindo's POV

I finished telling the story. (Y/n) was asleep.

"Good night...princess."

I carried her inside. I wished I could just tell her how I feel. I heard a giggle. Ritsuka was smiling mischievously in her room. No...don't tell me...

"You heard?!" She nodded.
"You love (Y/n), don't you? Admit it, I won't tell."
"*blush* N-no." She giggled and went to bed. I carried (Y/n) to her bed and went to my room.

(Y/n)'s POV

~In the morning~

I woke up and changed into my uniform. Lindo was just coming out of Ritsuka's room.

"Come and have breakfast," he exclaimed. I nodded.
"Wow, this looks delicious." He smiled. Ritsuka came down.
"Ritsuka, change out of your uniform after you eat," Lindo said then added, "(Y/n), you too."
"Huh? Why?" we asked.
"You need to rest and (Y/n)'ll be looking after you." *sigh* Lindo put some holy water on Ritsuka.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Holy water," Lindo replied.

He went outside and put some at the entrance. Guess I'd have to get out through the back or something. We finished eating and changed into casual clothes. Ritsuka called Azuna and they agreed that she would come over. Lindo came in.

"Hey Lindo, Azuna's spending the night," Ritsuka told him.
"Good to hear."
"Was there something you needed?"
"I'll be going out for a bit."
"Okay." He left. What now?
"Hey (Y/n), any secret crushes?" Ritsuka suddenly asked.
"*blush* No, why would I like someone?"
"Just asking..." She giggled. Something was up... She went outside. I followed her but stopped just before the entrance. Urie suddenly appeared.
"Urie Sogami?!" Ritsuka asked, surprised. They talked for a bit.
"I'll go get ready," Ritsuka said. We changed back into our uniforms. Ritsuka went outside (of the entrance).
"(Y/n), aren't you coming?"
"I'll catch up-"
"No, I'm not leaving you behind."

I knew she was just trying to be a good friend but...oww! I stumbled when I crossed the holy water. Urie looked at me with worry but it soon disappeared knowing I was okay. Urie took us to...oh no, not this place.

"I need to go to the bathroom, be back soon." Ritsuka nodded. I left. I went to the third library.
"Hey guys."
"Where's Ritsuka?" Rem asked.
"I uh..."

~Some time later~

I went to go look for Ritsuka. She was being chased by those annoying fan girls.

"Ritsuka!" I pulled her into a dark alleyway.
"What is this place?" she asked, completely confused.
"This place belongs to Urie. It's his 'lair'." The lights turned on.
"There she is! Wait... It's (Y/n)-chan!"

On no, time to run. We ran and ran until Ritsuka decided to go into the Mirror House. They grabbed her.

"Let her go."
"But (Y/n)-chaaann," they whined.
"Let. Her. Go."

They reluctantly obeyed and let Ritsuka go. Urie escaped with her. They somehow lost control and started to chase me. I didn't want to hurt them so I outran them but they somehow kept on finding my location. A few minutes later, I had finally lost them. I went to where Urie and Ritsuka were.

"Urie, that's enough." He was telling Ritsuka about Lindo.
"Your fangirls are really tough."

I sat down. Urie hypnotised her. I stopped her from taking off her pendant. Rem came. They both held out their hands for her. She grabbed my hand and ran away. I waved at both of them. Rem stared at us, Urie smiled. We bumped into Lindo.

"Lindo! Those people were really weird..." She turned around but couldn't see the amusement park.
"Huh? But...
"You were probably dreaming, let's go home," Lindo said.

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