Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

"What? No!" Nesta yelled. I kicked him but he quickly got back up.
"Where is it?!" He laughed.
"As if you'll ever find it." Where could it be?! He grabbed my throat (with gravity) and lifted me off the ground.
"You took my chance of getting the grimoire's power...and now, your punishment is death," Nesta exclaimed. Can't...breathe... Ritsuka had tears in her eyes.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry... If only I chose the other path that led to the other heart."
"Do you remember where it is?" Rem asked her. She shook her head.
"I'm sorry... (Y/n), please forgive me!"
"It's...not y-your fault..."

I needed! Mage shot lightning at him and I fell. I coughed a lot. Loewen helped me up. I struggled to catch my breath.

"Anyone here strong enough to destroy the vampire king?"
"Why would you ask?" Rem-nii asked.
"His heart's probably in a place inside him. After all...if the surrounding area gets destroyed, so will his heart."
"Smart thinking," Lindo said.
"Thanks." Then the strong force of wind blew again. We hit the wall.
"No one can defeat me!" Nesta exclaimed.

Damnit... I looked down. Something had stabbed the side of my stomach. The wind stopped. I clutched my wound. I tried to stand up.

"Don't move," Rem-nii said.

Ritsuka quickly rushed over and helped bandage my wound. They all nodded at each other and combined their power to defeat Nesta.

"No! I...can't" Those were his last words before passing away. I blacked out.

~Some time later~

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Huh? What happened?" Lindo hugged me.
"Oh, sorry," he apologised.
"No, it's fine."
"You blacked out due to loss of blood. I brought you here (their home)."
"Where are the others?"

Lindo helped me stand up. I let him lead me to where they were. Rem was confessing to Ritsuka. I smiled....he finally confessed, huh?

"Don't worry guys, I'm sure you'll get over your jealousy." They blushed.
"As if I'm jealous!" Mage exclaimed.
"Then would you care to explain why your face is red?" Loewen asked.
"The dog's right, your face is red," Urie added.
"So is yours!" Mage argued.
"No one likes to see you argue..." Shiki said.
"Says you!" Urie and Mage replied at the same time. I laughed.
"You do realise that Rem-nii and Ritsuka are staring at you guys...right?" They turned their heads towards them and shrugged.
"Well then, (Y/n), I must get going. Lord Maksis needs his servant," Loewen said.
"Oh..." I almost forgot he still worked for him.
"Don't worry, I'll come and visit...if fate allows." He smiled at me then disappeared.
"Oi, you still have us," exclaimed Mage.

I giggled. I couldn't change what has already happened so I might as well just get over it and look forward to the next time I see him. Rem kissed Ritsuka. *cheers* I shot snow confetti at them. They blushed and looked away.

"Good way of ruining their moment," Shiki exclaimed. I giggled before looking around. Huh...where was Lindo? Someone covered my eyes.
"Guess who?"
"Lindo." He chuckled and hugged me from behind.
"Ugh, get a room," Mage said.
"It's called love, something you don't have," Urie replied.
"Oh, what was that?!" They butted heads.
"Poor things, common sense says that your red string of fate is connected to his. That's why you're frenemies." I laughed at this.
"Wait, you guys aren't going back...right?" Rem-nii thought about it and shook his head.
"No, not now...that is," he replied.
"Yay! I won't have to miss anyone!" They just laughed. My stomach grumbled. *blushes in embarrassment*
"Hungry?" Ritsuka asked. I nodded.
"Bye guys, see you at school tomorrow. I'm gonna stay with Rem-nii for a while." They nodded and waved. Rem grabbed my hand and teleported us back home.
"What do you want to eat?" he asked.
"(Favourite food) please." He nodded.
"Oh and don't forget (favourite dessert)." He smiled. I went to my room. My phone vibrated.

Lindo: Hey (Y/n), are you free this Saturday?

Me: Yeah, why?

Lindo: Do you want to go on a date with me?

Me: Y-yeah sure

Lindo: Great, meet you at 10 then.

Me: Okay, bye

Lindo: Bye

Did he just ask me out?! Rem-nii came in and stared at me weirdly because I probably looked like a smiling maniac.

"Did something happen?" he asked.
"Yes- I mean, no..."
"Let me guess, he asked you out on a date?" My mouth fell open.
"*cough stalker cough*" He sighed.
"No, I don't stalk you," he answered. I giggled.
"Your food's ready," Rem-nii told me.
"Yay! My stomach will no longer bare the pain of hunger!" He smiled. We went to the dining room. I immediately sat down and started eating.

(A/N): Sorry about the shorter chapter

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