Chapter 23

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(Y/n)'s POV

Throughout the middle of the night, I woke up and screamed but quickly covered my mouth. I just had a nightmare where there was an apocalypse and everyone had died. Then a bloody hand came towards me, that was when I woke up.

I knew it was just a stupid dream but it meant that I was next. Tears brimmed my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. Someone turned the doorknob. I froze. They came in but it was dark so I couldn't see their face. I backed away.

"Hey (Y/n), it's just me." I sighed in relief.
"You scared me, Lindo!"
"Shh, I'm sorry." He sat down next to me.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
"I just had a nightmare."
"Oh, do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" I nodded. He smiled gently and lay down on my bed.
"Um...the chair's over there."
"I know," he replied casually.
"Then what are you doing on my bed?"
"I will never leave your side."

He laughed. *sigh* I lay down next to him and faced my back to him. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me. *blush*

"Good night, (Y/n). I'm sleepy." I giggled and eventually fell asleep.

~The next morning~

I woke up. Lindo was still here... wait, what?! I didn't want to wake him so I just lay there. Then Ritsuka came in and turned on the light.

"Wake up, sleepyheads. It's time for school," she exclaimed with a smile.

Lindo pulled the blanket over his head. I laughed and tried to get off but he just pulled me back down.

"Don't leave," he said.
"Awww." Ritsuka took a photo of us.
"Hey, delete that now!" She laughed and ran away. *sigh*
"What's the time?" I checked the clock.
"Oh shoot, it's 9:30!"

He got up and quickly went to his room. I laughed my head off. He came back and gave me a 'seriously' face. It was only 7:00.

"What?" He just smiled and turned off my light since it was morning. I got ready and went to the lounge room.
"Good morning everyone."
"Morning (Y/n)," Maria replied.
"What's for breakfast?"
"Pancakes," Ritsuka exclaimed happily.
"Yum!" Lindo hugged me from behind.
"You two look cute together," Ritsuka said and showed me the picture she took of us.

I grunted and shot ice just below her hand and it hit the wall. She jumped and dropped her phone. I grabbed it just before it touched the ground and deleted the picture.

"(Y/n)!" I laughed.
"You'll still have next time."
"Breakfast is ready," Maria exclaimed.
"Yay, I'm starving." We sat down and ate our delicious pancakes.

~Some time later~

I was currently in the third library with Lindo. I missed them. I wonder if they'd ever come back.

"Wanna play?" Lindo asked. I nodded. A few minutes later, he won most of the ten games we had played.
"Ugh, why are you so good at chess?!" He just laughed.
"Have you ever heard the saying, 'practise makes perfect'?" he asked as if I was just a little kid.
"Yes and seriously?"
"Haha, don't worry...I love you, you are perfect to me."
"*blush* I l-love you too." Someone came in.
"This girl has been reported to be buying illegal drugs from a stranger," the boy exclaimed.
"Okay, thanks. You may leave." The girl was the one that had forced (r/n) to bully me.
"Why are you buying these drugs?"
"Obviously to get back at you!"
"Why do you have such a big grudge against me?"
"You took the student council away from us! And now that they're gone, no one's here to protect you," she said with a mocking tone.
"What makes you think that no one's here to protect her?" Lindo suddenly asked.
"L-Lindo-kun, you're on her side?!"
"What if I am?" he asked while glaring at her.
"She's a venom-spitting snake! She's cheating on you, she's dating the student council as well!" she exclaimed with anger.
"Don't you know that it's rude to talk about someone when they're right in front of you?! And haven't you already heard that they only like her as a sister?!" Lindo asked angrily. The girl's eyes widened in shock.
"Lindo-kun, I was just joking-"
"It didn't sound like you were and if you don't leave her alone, I'll report you to the police," he exclaimed with seriousness. She gulped and nodded before running off. *sigh*
"Sorry Lindo-"
"It wasn't your fault. She's just too stupid to realise the difference between sister and girlfriend." I giggled. We spent the rest of the day in the third library.

~Home time~

"If you don't mind, I'll be staying at my place for today."
"Okay, sure. See you tomorrow," Ritsuka replied.
"I'll go over to your place at 7?" Lindo asked. I smiled and nodded. They left. I went home.
"Welcome home, Miss (Y/n)."

I smiled at my butler and went to my room. Then I remembered something. I ran back down to (butler name).

"Oh and I want (dish name) and (dessert) tonight please." He laughed.
"Yes miss." He went off. Phew, I didn't forget dinner. After I had finished dinner, Lindo came over. I hugged him.
"So, what are we gonna do?" he asked.

He smiled. I set up lots of different things for us to play. Sometimes he won but sometimes I won. We had a fun time, although occasionally I would get a little frustrated that he kept on winning.

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