Childlock: Prank War

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Request for Kati_thesassydragon (our writing contest winner)
(John and Sherlock are 10, Mycroft is 17)


"Boys! Dinner is ready!" called Wanda from downstairs. Little did she know her youngest son, and his best friend John Watson, were already seated at the table. She scooted through the swinging door and set the food down on the table, looking a little startled as she spotted the two youngins. She shot them a look; John looked away guiltily while Sherlock smiled innocently.

"Where's your brother?" she asked, deciding it was best she not know what they were up to.

"Probably rolling around in all his angst."

"I was studying up on lost cities actually," answered Mycroft. His nose was stuck up in the air as he walked to his chair to sit down. Once he did sit down, a loud fart sound erupted from his seat. John and Sherlock broke into fits of giggles, and Wanda fought back a smile. Mycroft's white face turned a bright shade of red, and the boys couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger.

"How petty," he barked once he gathered himself. "You two have nothing better to do with your lives then play childish jokes on me?" Sherlock clenched his jaw. He hated when his brother made him feel inferior.

"It's called hanging out with friends," snapped Sherlock. "A foreign concept to you."

"And to you." Mycroft's eyes landed on John, and he smirked. "How much are you paying the poor boy?" he asked Sherlock.

"He's not paying me anything," said John. Sherlock looked at his best friend in surprise, he usually stayed quiet whenever him and Mycroft got in a row. Even Mycroft was taken aback by John's outburst.

"And anyways, the prank was good," defended Sherlock. For awhile Mycroft was quiet, studying the two ten year olds in front of him.

"The prank sucked. But I have a deal for you two. If you prank me good enough, I will-"

"Let us use your chemistry set." John looked at Sherlock dumbfounded. Of all the things Mycroft could offer, Sherlock chooses the chemistry set?

"And you wait on us for two whole hours, catering to our every need," pronounced John. Mycroft's nostrils flared while he debated back and forth in his mind, finally deciding.

"Considering the two of you are younger than me by a reasonable amount both in mental and physical age and I don't think you are capable of completing this task, I will accept the terms and conditions." John and Sherlock shared a look, the wheels already turning in their heads.


"Final step of 'Operation Queen of England' ready for takeoff?"

"Aye aye Cap'n!" Sherlock and John had been executing Op: QoE for two weeks. It involved small pranks that Mycroft had ridiculed, telling them how he knew they couldn't pull off a good prank. But little did he know, that had been their plan all along. The two youngins peeked around the corner into the kitchen where Mycroft sat reading the newspaper at the counter. His back was to them, and right on cue he got up and made his way to the sink. Once there, he turned on the faucet, but instead of falling in a steady stream out of it, it squirted out of the spray nozzle and soaked the groin area of his pants.

"Damnit," cursed Mycroft. Sherlock and John looked at each and covered their mouths so their laughs wouldn't escape.

"Step one complete," whispered Sherlock. "Step two in motion." Mycroft opened the drawer where the cloths were to dry himself, but was met with a rotten egg being flung at his face. The boys bit their lips, dying of laughter at the look on Mycroft's face. He wiped off his face, and while he was distracted, they ran upstairs to watch the third and final step of "Operation Queen of England".

They heard him walking up the stairs before they saw him. He was muttering angrily to himself and stomping loudly. He headed straight for the bathroom and John and Sherlock high fived each other. A couple minutes after Mycroft had slammed the door shut, the boys heard a yell from the bathroom.

"Grand finale," laughed John. They burst through the bathroom door. Mycroft stood in front of the mirror, his bottle of face wash open on the counter and his hands glued firmly to his face.

"Mycroft," bubbled Sherlock with laughter, "you look a little stuck." The ten year olds couldn't hold it in and fell on the floor laughing.

"You put glue in my face wash, you made me feel like I wet my pants, and all I can smell is rotten egg." Mycroft sighed. "You win."


"A little lower."


"No, lower."


"A little higher." Mycroft obeyed,
glaring at John Watson and sending hate rays in his mind. He never imagined that the boys would actually put up a willing fight, but here he was giving a foot massage and watching his brother play with his chem set. He could've easily lied and said that the pranks weren't good enough, but he did admire the hard work and cleverness of their plan.

"How much longer?" asked Mycroft grudgingly.

"An hour and 47 minutes. But don't worry, there will be a food break," answered John, sipping on his soda.

"Thank goodness, I'm starving," said Mycroft.

"No silly, a food break for me. I want a pb&j cut into triangles, perfect edges, no crust," ordered John.

"And I want chocolate cake," said Sherlock from behind his goggles.

"You don't even like cake," muttered Mycroft.

"Yeah, but you do and I can imagine how painful it will be for you to make the cake, but not eat it."



Cake and Mycroft jokes never get old do they?
Or maybe they do and I just overuse them.

Don't really have anything to say... (Weird for me I know haha)

Oh I experienced sleep paralysis AGAIN the other day. I am actually scared to take naps now. It is terrifying.

Random: What is the scariest thing you've had happen to you? Whether it be someone trying to break in, or a paranormal story, or anything!

Thank you all for the comments and reads and votes, always appreciated.

Have a great day and I will see you lovely children again soon.

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