Sherlock: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

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Request for shallontheoutcast


"Pawns first right?" you asked, grabbing one from the middle and moving it forward. Sherlock just nodded his head, hands in prayer position underneath his chin. Rain pelted on the window outside, adding a dramatic effect as he went to move one of his pieces forward. And then the flat went pitch black.

"OH FUCK NO," you yelled while at the same time Sherlock whooped and hollered. You were frozen in place, too scared that if you moved something might get you. What that something was? You had no idea. Murderer? Stalker? Demon? The possibilities were endless, and they were all sneaking into your mind at this moment, making you shake in fear. You did not like the dark.

"WHO'S READY FOR SOME SCARY STORIES?!" You jumped in fear from the voice, then screamed bloody murder when Sherlock's face lit up from a flashlight being lit up under his face and bringing out the shadows in all the crooks of his face. You covered your eyes, and his booming laugh filled the darkness of the room. "(Y/n)," he chuckled, "what's wrong?"

"Don't do that," you said, purposefully avoiding the question.

You heard some rustling, then he told you to open your eyes again. You did, and you screamed again. The flashlight had been lit up under his face again, but this time he wore a mask from the movie "Scream" and fake blood dripped down it.

"I knew this mask would come in handy someday, that's why I hid it under the armchair." He boomed with laughter, and you curled yourself up into an even smaller ball. "(Y/n)," he said, and you twitched as you felt his hand touch your arm. "The lights are out, let's have some fun! I'll light some things on fire, not your hair this time though, I promise."

"Let's not and say we didn't," you said, taking in deep breaths. Not only did you hate the dark because in your mind, the scary things came out in the dark, but also because the pitch blackness of it all felt like a weight crushing your chest. You tried not to think about it, but soon your breathing was sped up and you felt your heart race and you started to sweat and you knew your anxiety was acting up. "Open up a window," you choked out, and you heard Sherlock sprint across the room, knocking over vases and tripping over things to get to it.

Finally you heard the sweet sound of the window being opened and the instant volume of the rain go up, not to mention the breeze float in and fill your lungs with fresh air. You felt better, but when you opened your eyes you still couldn't see much, just the distant glare of the moon from out the window. You closed your eyes again, trying to fight back the panic.

Suddenly two arms scooped you up from the armchair and you tightened up. "Relax, I have you," whispered Sherlock into your ear. You loosened a bit and laid your head on his chest as he stepped cautiously through the room, trying to remember his steps so he wouldn't trip and send you flying. The sound of the rain pelting outside got louder and louder. Eventually you felt the tiny pricks of water that strayed in through the screen, and you opened your eyes, your whole world suddenly not dark anymore.

The moon was shining bright out the window, and you felt a sense of peace fall over you. Stars littered the sky, more visible now than ever since the power was out in this section of London. It was beautiful. You wanted to capture the deep blue, almost black sky, and hold it in your hands forever. The moon smiled at you in its bright crescent form, stars tickling the space around it. With Sherlock's arms around you, the night sky stretched out before, you never felt more at home.

Suddenly the lights flicked on though, lighting up your world and dimming the sky. "NOOOO," yelled Sherlock throwing a blanket over your head and dashing across the room. When you finally got the tangled mess off your head, the lights in the flat were on again.

"Sherlock what- ARE YOU OKAY?!" you half yelled, half laughed as he tripped over something and sprawled face first on the ground. He held up a thumb, and his voice was muffled by the carpet. Eventually he got himself and scrunched his nose, probably sore from the fall. "Why'd you turn the lights back off?" you asked, facing towards the window again. Just because you had sat peacefully minutes before in the dark didn't mean you liked it any more now.

"Are you scared?" he asked, reaching around you and cradling you close to him. You weren't used to him being so physical, but you welcomed it happily.

"Uh, kind of."

"Good," he said, a smirk on his face.

"Why is that good?" you asked, unsure of where he was getting at.

"Well if you're scared, that gives me an excuse to hold you."

"You don't need an excuse silly," you laughed, shaking your head.

"Yes I do. I wouldn't want people to think that I," he shuttered as he said the word, "cuddled with my significant other for no reason." He gave you a weird look like you were the crazy one.

"Right, because that would make you a normal boyfriend, and we wouldn't want that."


The best I could do with my writers block I have going right now.
Hopefully I can write more this weekend my lovely little children.

Hmmm I feel like there was something I was supposed to tell you in this A/N but I can't remember...

Random: Favorite word that isn't technically a word (meaning not in a dictionary)
(From the book Cat's Cradle)

"No one is sent by accident to anyone."
- A Course In Miracles

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