Sherlock: Therapy's Little Friend

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Request for princesspeach211

Triggers: child abuse


"John I don't want to go."

"Well too bad, we're already here. Now get out."

"But John please. I promise never to jump off another building and fake my death again." John shot Sherlock a glare, and the detective deduced that was probably the wrong thing to say.

"Out. Now," ordered John.

Sherlock huffed and rolled his eyes, jumping out of the car and slamming the door as hard as he could. He crossed his arms and pouted at John through the window, who just shook his head and drove off, mustache and all. Sherlock groaned, then turned around to face the small building in front of him. It had a fountain out front, probably meant to make people feel at peace, but really it just set him on edge.

He went up to the front doors and walked through. A lady sat at the front desk, and she smiled at him as he walked in. "Here for-"

"Yes," he answered, not wanting to hear the rest of her words.

"Oh, okay. Down the hall and through the first door on the right." Sherlock nodded, then followed her directions until he was right where she told him to be. He sucked in a deep breath, then pushed open both doors and strode in.

Children. That's what the room was full of when he walked into it. Children. Could've been anything else - a room full of Mycroft's, a room full of smelly dead bodies, even a room full of Anderson's and Donovan's, but no. It had to be a room full of children. Immediately Sherlock reached for his phone and dialed John' number.


"Why am I surrounded by drooling two legged little humans?" hissed Sherlock.

"You missed the earlier session, where the adults were, and so I decided to take you to this one. Might be more fitting actually now that I think about it..."

"John, pick me up, now, or I'll-"

"Mycroft hired some men to wait outside. If you try to leave early, you will be put back in the room by force."

"It's like you're trying to ruin my life," muttered Sherlock. He glanced around the room, taking notice of the kids' and the way they ran around like they were hyped on drugs.

"Only as much as you did mine. See you at 7."

Sherlock gritted his teeth and was just about to type in Mycroft's phone number when a voice rose over the noise. "Time to gather for group!" Sherlock turned around and noticed the older woman shuffling kids into their seat and he rolled his eyes. He would only have to sit through this for an hour. Just one hour.

He walked over to the group and noticed that most kids were still running around, well away, from the woman. One single little girl though, sat all alone in one of the chairs. Her hands were clasped together loosely on her lap, and she stared at a spot somewhere on the floor. The girl looked up at him and he was taken aback by the dead stare that came from her big (y/e/c) eyes. He found himself walking over to her and taking a seat.

She had watched him walk all the way over, and when he sat down she smirked at him. "You're not ages 5-7."

"Wow, you must be a really good detective to have figured that one out," he replied sarcastically, crossing his arms over his body. He glanced at the girl and she still stared at him, that half humorous smirk planted firmly on her face like she had just heard a joke but was trying not to laugh. But her eyes, they didn't smile with her. No, they were bruised by years of watching torture, and experiencing it. The scars on her arms and the one above her right eyebrow indicated abuse, most likely from the metal latch of a belt. Her foot, which barely touched the ground, tapped nervously, a habit that would not go away for some time until she felt completely safe in the newest home she was just adopted into a week ago. He felt his heart soften after his deduction of her.

"I hope so, I want to be a detective one day," she answered, and Sherlock was thankful she didn't catch the bitterness of his sarcasm earlier.

"Really?" he asked, suddenly very interested in her. "And what would you like to investigate?"

"Hopefully the death of all these kids in here. They're annoying," she said, glancing around at the snot nosed monsters that ran amuck.

"You will come to find that is the case for 99% of all humans," replied Sherlock, chuckling to himself. Finally the kids had all been rounded up and seated on chairs, ready for group to begin.

"Okay kids and, uh sir," said the lady, motioning to Sherlock. "Let's go around and say our names and something good that happened to us today. Corey, let's start with you."

A boy a couple chairs down from Sherlock started talking, something about how he got to have two cookies today, and the girl after him, Sydney, talked about how she finished a book she had been reading. It went on and on until it reached the little girl that Sherlock sat next to. He soon realized that he didn't even know her name.

"My name is (y/n), and something good that happened to me today was..." she glanced up nervously at Sherlock before continuing, "meeting a friend."

Sherlock couldn't help but smile at the smirk that was left on (Y/n)'s face. "And you sir?" asked the lady.

Sherlock cleared his throat, then spoke out proudly. "My name is Sherlock Holmes and the best thing that happened to me today was meeting a friend too."


3 weeks later

"C'mon Sherlock, hurry up," muttered John. He ran his hand over his mouth where his mustache used to be, still getting used to the feeling of the hairy caterpillar being off of his face. He noticed the doors to the building open up and out walked Sherlock, with (y/n) of course. They were laughing about something, and John shook his head in wonder. Who would've thought Sherlock Holmes would we become best friends with a 6 year old girl. Well, not best friends, that spot was taken, just really good friends.

John shook his head again, but this time out of frustration. Was he really getting jealous of the friendship between his best mate and a child? Yes. John smiled though as he watched Sherlock lean down and give (y/n) a hug, before standing back up, patting her on the head, and walking to the car.

Sherlock got in, then waved goodbye to (y/n) and her mom that stood out front. "Good session?" asked John as he started driving.

"It was, until Corey decided to start bragging about some new toy he got for Christmas, and (y/n) didn't have time to share what she got." Sherlock huffed angrily, obviously very tiffed. John on the other hand couldn't help but laugh to himself, glad that Sherlock finally found some people his own age to get along with.


Jk I love it. Keep it up.

Random: WE'RE GOING TO MAKE A BIG LONG COMMENT THREAD AND MAKE A STORY OKAY?! I'll start with the first sentence, and then the next person will add on a sentence, then the next person, and so on.

There once was a woman who took a ride on a moose.

(^ So the first person to comment adds on another sentence to the story and so on. Please stay on one comment thread!)

"I wonder how many people I've looked at my whole life and never seen."
- John Steinbeck

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