Teenlock: First Dance

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Request for @brownie_bit


"Smile!" said Mrs. Holmes and your mother at the same time, flashes going off here and there as they snapped your and Sherlock's photo. You turned your head to smile up at him as he stood behind you, his hands planted firmly on your upper waist. His mother had threatened to cut off his hair if he didn't follow her orders and get in the correct photo taking position.

"Saying 'smile' does not make us want to smile. It does quite the opposite actually. It's called reverse psychology and-"

"Shush, learning and school is the last thing I want to think about tonight," you said, putting your hand in Sherlock's face to stop him from talking.

"Well that's going to be kind of hard since we're going to a school dan-"

"Stop talking or I'll cut your hair off myself."

At that threat he zipped his lips, giving you an innocent smile. "Corsage and boutonniere time," announced your mum, coming back outside with a flower attached to a bracelet and another flower stuck on a pin. She handed you the pinned flower and Sherlock the flower bracelet. Immediately Sherlock put the bracelet on his wrist.

"I never imagined to be wearing a flower bracelet in my life, but now that it's on I don't think it looks so bad," he said thoughtfully, his wrist stuck out in front of him.

"Sherl, that's for me," you said laughing. "You put the bracelet on my wrist and I pin this flower to your suit."

"Bo-ring," he mocked, watching with reluctance as you slipped the bracelet from his wrist and placed it in his hand.

Your mom and Mrs. Holmes snapped pictures as he slipped the bracelet over your hand, a frown planted on his face. He was still sad he didn't get to wear it. Then it was your turn to pin the flower on him. You concentrated hard as you poked it through his suit. "OW," he yelled loudly, and you jerked your hand away.

"Did I stab you? I'm sorry, I didn't know it would go in that far and I was trying to do it slowly and- why are you laughing?"

A cheesy grin was planted on Sherlock's face and a low chuckled escaped from his throat. "You should've seen the look on your face," he said with an evil smirk. You glared up at him, then pushed the pin through his suit until it did actually stab him.


After putting a bandaid on the incision you had made in Sherlock's skin, you had finally left for the dance. Now you entered the ballroom and looked around in awe. Lights twinkled everywhere, gold tablecloths draped all around the tables, and white ribbon lined itself around the room. Suddenly though, you were being dragged through the beauty of it all to a table off to the side of the dance floor. There you saw the gang sitting - John, Mary, Greg, and Molly. They smiled as you approached and Mary and Molly stood to hug you and tell you how pretty your dress was. It was a dark blue that complimented the tone of your skin and dazzled your eyes.

Soon you found yourself on the dance floor with Mary and Molly and Greg as Sherlock and John looked on from the table. You were having the time of your life, well almost, you were just missing Sherlock. You looked over to him and he gave you a steely look, almost like he was angry. You frowned and made your way over to him.

"Want to dance?" you asked, grabbing onto him. He ignored you though, instead pretending to be engrossed in the conversation John was having with another boy about a video game. "Sherlock," you whined, tugging on his sleeve. He ignored you still and you huffed, resolving to take the seat next to him seeing as you wouldn't be able have any fun if he wasn't.

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