Collegelock: Veritaserum

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Alcohol is like the muggles version of veritaserum.


You checked your costume one last time in the mirror, then headed out your door and across the hall. John, with his costume half on, answered after one knock and you strolled inside, twirling around for them to admire your brilliant piece of work.

Well not really brilliant, more like last minute. You had stolen one of Sherlock's old dress shirts, cut holes in it, and put fake blood around it. Then you had your roommate darken up your eyes and draw a dribble of blood coming out of your mouth.

You had decided to be a murderer.

"Well you look ready to kill someone," commented John, pointing at the rubber knife you held in your hand.

"Well I will have to kill SOMEONE soon if they don't put on their costume." You pointed your knife in emphasis towards the curly haired fellow sitting on his computer in the corner of the room. "C'mon Sherl, get ready," you begged, plopping down on his bed.

He shot you a dirty look. "Don't get any fake blood on my bed or you will find real blood on yours."

You rolled your eyes and stood up, walking towards him. "Hey grumpy pants, get up and get ready."

"John's not ready," said Sherlock. You glanced behind you to find John dressed in a roman warrior costume.

"Very funny," you said. "Sherlock please go put on your costume, you said you had a good one planned out."

"Okay fine. Go out in the hall," he ordered. You sighed and complied, letting the roman warrior open the door for you and poke you in the head before he shut the door behind you. You were only out there for a mere 30 seconds before the door opened again and you were greeted by John, a disgruntled look on his face.

"He's says he's ready," he groaned.

You stepped inside the dorm to find Sherlock stuffed into one of John's sweaters, the bottom of it barely reaching the top of his jeans, leaving a hint of skin peeking out.

"You literally just put on one of John's sweaters," you said, crossing your arms.

"Yeah, I told you it was good," he smirked.

"Well what are you supposed to be?" you asked.

"A short angry man who's biggest inspiration is their tall and devilishly handsome roommate." And with that he walked out of the room, you and John both shaking your heads and following after him.


"I thought you said we were going to a party?" yelled Sherlock over the blare of the music.

"We are!" yelled you and John back.

"This is more like a scene from a horror movie," he replied, scrunching up his nose. He pressed his back against the wall as two girls dressed as bunnies and another girl dressed as a cat, with their buttcheeks hanging out, strolled by. "Or a sensual farm."

You chuckled to yourself, then was mauled by a pair of arms. "You guys made it!" hollered Mary, hugging you and Sherlock then planting a kiss on John's lips. "Well come on, the party is in full swing and you three are behind." She tugged you along, Sherlock and John following closely. She led you to the kitchen, offering you some drinks.

"I'm DD tonight," you said, refusing the shot she offered to you.

"I'll take that," said John, downing it with no problem.

"Sherlock?" asked Mary, turning around to hand it to him.

"I'll take some tea," he said with an innocent grin.

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