Mycroft's Daughter: A Day With Uncle Sherlock

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Request for AwkwardAlexxx

I'm putting these gifs from now on

Before you could even knock on the door to 221B, it swung open. "Come in. We have a busy day," ordered your Uncle Sherlock. You darted your eyes back behind you, waving once to your father, though you wondered if he could even see you through the dark tint of the car window. You followed the flow of Sherlock's coat as it darted upstairs, skipping steps and leaving you to trail behind. By the time you caught up with him in the flat, he was just about ready to leave again.

"Where are we going?" you asked, your eyes searching the room around you. You loved any chance to come to 221B. You were intrigued by the clutter of random objects and precise thoughts. Plus, Mrs. Hudson always made you a delicious snack. However, your father was usually there with you. You couldn't remember the last time Sherlock had watched you on his own.

"We have a case," he answered, whilst gathering things up last minute and muttering under his breath about how John was taking too long to get back from the store.

"But dad said you weren't supposed to take me on-"

"Your dad says a lot of things to which I do not follow." Sherlock paused what he was doing to steal a glance at you. He probably sensed your weariness on disobeying your father - he was the British government after all. And last time you tried to do something he didn't like, sneak into an R rated movie with your friends, he called in three cars from Scotland Yard and had Greg yell over the intercom into the theater that if you and your friends didn't come out this instant, you all would be put in prison. A little overboard, if you must say so yourself.

Sherlock caught your eye, that rebellion smirk planted firmly on his lips, having already deduced the worries swirling around in your head. "But don't worry, he won't know a thing."


"Middle aged woman. Found floating in this storm drain and reaching out, almost like she was clinging to the grate," rattled off Lestrade.

"What's that smell?" asked John, looking around at the empty industrial street around them.

"About that," said Greg. "Just so happens this storm drain leads right into the sewage system around here."

"Ah, that explains the smell," replied John, wrinkling his nose. "So what do you think Sherlock?"

"I think that this lady was in some deep shit."

"Had a bad history with someone and they wanted revenge so they killed her or what?" asked Greg.

"No, like she was in literal shit. You said a sewage tunnel runs under here?"

"You think that stuff she's covered in is..."

"Human feces? Yes."

"But how-"

"I observed."

You had been watching and listening to the exchange this whole time. You were amazed by it all. How dare your father not let you come on a case before this! They weren't all murder and blood and guts! Sometimes it was as simple as she worked at the sewage plant, had to go down there to fish something out that someone dropped, ended up falling into the water, and as the water level rose she spotted the storm drain, swam up to it and stayed there for hours clutching on for her life but eventually drowned when no one found her.

"How did you figure that out?" asked Sherlock. You pulled yourself from your thoughts, looking around and noticing that John, Lestrade, and Sherlock all stared at you in awe. Had you said that out loud?

"I uh-", you smiled to yourself as you thought of the perfect response. "I observed," you answered slyly.

Sherlock chuckled, eyes trained on you proudly. "Well John, Gandalf, she's got you two beat."


After the case, John and Sherlock took you home. There, you did a debrief with them on the case. You helped John write his blog, which you had read many times before, and play a deducing game with Sherlock to better your skills. He was determined to make you better, so much so that one day you would surprise the socks off of your dad.

Your phone buzzed, a text message from your dad.

Meeting finished early, be there in 7 minutes.

"Dad said he'll be here in 7 minutes!" you yelled. There was a brief pause where Sherlock and John shared a look, then they began the bustling around the flat, you watching as they hid any evidence that you had been on a case today. John called Mrs. Hudson to make tea. Sherlock threw discarded papers in the air. John turned on the TV. Sherlock got out a game of checkers. And before you knew it, you were seated in John's recliner, a chess board set between you and your uncle, tea set beside you, and John sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. You finally let out a sigh of relief when your father walked in.

"Mycroft, what a pleasure," greeted Sherlock dryly as he moved one of his pieces.

"Hi dad," you smiled, glancing at Sherlock who's eyes caught your and screamed Please, be more obvious.

"Hello darling. How was your day?"

"Good," you and Sherlock answered at the same time. You gave your uncle a look, this time you warning him to act calm. He just winked at you though and you felt a happiness flow through you knowing that this was the start of a great friendship between you and your uncle. Suddenly his eyes went mischievous though. "Check mate."

"What? How did you win? We barely started the game and-"

"You should have observed."


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"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
- Albert Einstein

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