The Younger Holmes

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Request for houldenactress


"Wow, it's just like old times," cooed your mother at the three of you. You and your brother's exchanged proud looks, happy to know that your mother's birthday present was a success. You had taken her and your father to an old restaurant that you went to as a family quite a bit, back in the olden days before Mycroft ran the government, Sherlock solved cases, and you, well, went to school. You were many years younger than your brothers. You were 18, going to turn 19 soon, and you were in uni to become a doctor.

You sat in between your brothers and you heard their slight mutters under their breath as people passed by. They were starting the game early time. By "the game", you meant deductions.

"Divorced, wanna be model," muttered Sherlock as a pretty lady walked by in studded high heels.

"Cheating, wanna be divorced," said Mycroft next, nodding to the table next to him where a handsome man and a girl were seated. An outline of a wedding ring was in his pocket.

"Never graduated high school, makes his living doing carpentry with his father's business."

"Recently released from prison after being discharged and found innocent."

"Works at a car dealership, wishes he could marry his cat."

"Mom that works part time as a stripper because the father won't pay child care."

They were interrupted at the waitress approached the table, balancing waters on a platter. She set them down in front of all of you, then dug out her pen and notebook. "My name is Sandra and I'll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you all?" she asked. You let your mum order first, then your dad, then it was Sherlock's turn.

"A different glass of water, preferably in a cup that was actually washed." You noticed when he said that, that there was in fact some grime sprinkled throughout on the cup

"I'm so happy we decided to come back here," mumbled your mum, trying to sound happy but sounding more sarcastic than anything.

"Also a side salad, lettuce and dressing on the side."

"So just croutons on the plate?" asked the waitress, confused.

"Obviously," answered Sherlock, handing his menu to her haughtily.

She shook her head, then turned to you, plastering a smile back on her face. "And for you sweety?"

"Just fish and chips will do," you answered politely, trying to make up for your brother's rudeness. She went to Mycroft next and he waved her off, saying that he was waiting for dessert, and by dessert, he meant cake.

You knew as soon as she left the table, both of your brothers would jump at the chance to deduce her first, which is exactly why you decided to beat them to it. "Full time student at the local uni, part time worker here. Currently in a complicated relationship with her high school sweetheart but wants out, obvious by the rusting promise ring on her finger and how it's loose now, like she's taken it off and on many times. The minuscule cat hair on her black pants was her poor attempt to hide that she has a cat in her apartment since it's supposed to be animal free, but the landlord is always on vacation and therefore never has time to check. Speaking of, she just got back from vacation from the Canary Islands. There is a tan line peeking out from the collar of her shirt and a string bracelet on her wrist in the colors of their flag. She also thinks Sherlock is attractive," he wrinkled his nose, "but also thinks that you two are my fathers considering I'm sitting in between you two and our age difference is quite apparent. Also Mycroft is balding which gives him the appearance of looking older. Lastly she has a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm, hence the long sleeves, but nothing on her left because the sleeve is slightly rolled up on that side."

For a second, it was like time was frozen. Your mother held her cup up to her mouth mid drink, your father was in the middle of placing his napkin on his lap, and Sherlock and Mycroft both had the same shocked, open mouthed looked plastered on their faces. You honestly didn't know what Sandra saw, they looked more like brothers now than ever. You stared proudly around at your family. You had been waiting to surprise them with that, to show them that you too, could be just as good as your brothers.

Still, even as the waitress brought out your food, no one moved. "Is anyone going to say anything?" you asked finally, waving a hand in front of both of your brothers' faces to make sure they were still functioning. You had really shocked them into oblivion. Had they really thought you that incapable?

"H-How did you learn that?" asked Mycroft.

"I observed you," you answered simply. "Well, both of you," you motioned to Sherlock.

They both just nodded in approval, then shared a look over your head that you didn't catch - an admiring big brother look. They were prouder than they would ever tell you, and had been waiting for this moment forever. Suddenly you felt a pat on your head and a pat on your shoulder. "Welcome to the game little sis," said Sherlock.

It was the only affection you'd had from your brothers in years, unless you counted the times you forced them to hug you or you would break their science gadgets. You smiled happily to yourself as the waitress set down the last plate of food on the table, then she eyed you three. "Aren't you just the cutest family!"

You turned to your brothers and watched their faces reddened, then snickered quietly to yourself. "Why thank you Sandra."


So I have a plan.
I have an hour break between classes on Tuesday and Thursday so I will write then (doesn't mean I'll be updating then though). That way I don't update once every three weeks and leave ya'll hanging.


I have not seen "The Lying Detective" and will not be able to watch that one or the last episode until the weekend after the last episode airs so until then, SH. NO SPOILERS please. For the sake of me and for others!


(I missed this because I didn't update.)
Not sure where we'd be without your brilliant mind and low functioning social skills.


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If you requested something, don't worry it's coming. Slow and steady. School takes out all the time and energy I have to update every day, so I'll try my best to get it out fast but please be patient! Thank you children.
Mummy loves you.

Random: Best teacher you ever had.

"There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them."
- Sherlock Holmes

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