Sherlock: You're Jealous? Of What?

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Request for @camcrusher123


The door to the flat opened, but you didn't hear it - you were too into your show. All of a sudden a black form blocked your view and you kicked your legs out. 

"Sherlock move, I can't see what's happening!" You tried to push him out of the way with your feet, but he stood stone still. You sighed, giving up and deciding to just move to a different spot in the room to see. Unfortunately, the black form followed. "Ugh, what do you want?!" you asked, standing up to face him.

Uh oh, you thought. His eyes were sad, not like you had seen them in awhile. "What's wrong?" you asked. 

"Do you still love me?" You were at a loss for words. Did he really just ask that?

"You're joking right?" you asked, a slight chuckle at the end. He didn't answer. You swore his eyes were watering. "Sherlock," you whispered, grabbing his arm. "What's happened? Why are you asking me this?" You were confused. Everything was going great in your relationship.. Or so you thought. 

"Well you don't pay much attention to me anymore," he said in a low voice. "You're always focused on other people."

"What other people?" you asked, completely caught off guard. Since when was your attention not on the famous detective? You practically worshipped the ground he walked on. 

"Well, you know..." he said, darting his eyes back towards the TV. It took you a second, but you finally got it. 

"You're jealous of a fictional character?" you asked, trying not to laugh.

"Well you have all these fictional characters you love and-and-"

"And what?"

"Well what about me (y/n)? Do I need to become a fictional character in order for you to pay attention to me?" he asked, throwing his hands up in the air. He turned around to walk away from you and you covered your mouth so he couldn't hear you laughing. Was he actually mad? You could say the same about him and his murder obsession!

You ran after him and turned him around. "Sherlock," you sighed. "You know I could never love anything more than you, real or fake."

"Not even L?" he asked, motioning to one of your shows, Death Note, that was on at the moment. 

You sighed. "That's a hard one.. But okay, even L." He scrunched up his nose in anger at you and turned to walk away again. "Hey, I'm joking," you laughed. 

"Are you? Because it sure doesn't feel like it," he said, sticking out his bottom lip. 

"Stop pouting and kiss me fool," you ordered, smiling as he leaned down.

At that moment though, you just happened to look up at the TV.

L had just died.




"L!!!!!!!" you cried, leaving Sherlock's puckered lips hanging in the air. You clutched the TV with both arms, weeping over the loss of one of your favorite characters, not taking notice of your favorite detective flexing his jaw in jealously and stomping to the bedroom in anger. 


Short but that's the 3rd one today. 

I miss writing and I miss Sherlock and I miss you guys. I think I'm making up for all the times I left you guys waiting for 2 weeks or so. 

Leave me ideas for questions to ask in my later imagines (can be about Sherlock or anything) and quotes that you guys like (also put the quotee (the person who said/wrote the quote))

Night sherpressers. 

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