Songlock: Fallen Angel

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Request for @-thelostgirl01-

Song: Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace


Late at night I could hear the crying
I hear it all, trying to fall asleep

You laid your head on the pillow, trying to block out the past 12 hours. Today had been the worst day of your life. Today you had lost Sherlock Holmes. You heard noises down the hall and you knew it was John. Since he had gotten home from the morgue, he had been drinking nonstop. You heard him stumble to the door of Sherlock's room and stop outside. You laid silently, listening to his sobs, and eventually covered your head with the sheets and the smell of your favorite detective.

When all the love around you is dying
How do you stay so strong?

You woke up in the morning with a dull headache and punctured heart. Flashbacks of yesterday ran through your mind and you wondered how you would ever get out of bed. How would you ever function normally? Go to work? Eat? Be happy? You wanted Sherlock back. You wanted him to walk through the door of the flat, say "SURPRISE!" and you would punch and kiss him all at the same time. The digital on his end table read 3:11. You had slept for 14 straight hours. Losing half of yourself would do that to you.

How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?
How can I save...

You wondered what had pushed Sherlock over the edge. Had he really hated his life so much? You looked back days, weeks, months, all trying to figure out if there had been anything off about him. But he had always been the same - mysterious, smart, smirky. His smirk. You felt your insides coil and shrink, as if they were shriveling leaves on a tree. You could never bloom beautifully without him. He was the water, the sun, the soil, and you were the tiny seed.

A fallen angel, in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far

The image of him falling was stuck on your mind in replay. Him falling.. falling.. falling. You had never seen him hit the ground, and you prayed that maybe somehow he didn't.

Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel 

Your body shook as you cried out, hating yourself because there must have been something you could have done. You would have sacrificed your own life if it meant saving his. If you could see him now, if you could go back in time, you would run to him and hug him and hold him and tell him how much you loved him. You would let him fall, but only into the safety of your arms.


Two years later

You do it all for my own protection
You make me feel like I'll be okay
Still I have so many questions

A knock sounded from the flat door of 221B, but before you could answer it Mrs. Hudson barged in. Tears were streaming down her face and she ran straight to your arms.

"(Y/n) dear, I just.. I just saw..." Her sobs drowned out her words. You thought her to be in danger, so you walked out the door to the stairs wanting to investigate.

You stopped dead in your tracks. There he was. A tall figure. Black curly hair. Piercing blue eyes.

"Surprise," was all he said and what a surprise it was. After tackling him to the ground, punching him in the face, kissing him, slapping him, then kissing him again, he explained it all.

"You did this.. for me?" you asked when it was all said and done. It was one of many in the long list of questions you were going to ask him. He looked down at the floor, and you watched as his walls fell down around him. When he looked back up, his eyes were slightly red rimmed.

"Not just for you," he winked playfully. Then his features tightened up and he stood rigid. He nodded seriously. "I would do anything for you."


Six months later

I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
And I, I couldn't save, a fallen angel

Order had been restored back at Baker Street. There was wedding fuss, daily murders, and organs stored in the fridge once again. Life was perfect.

And yet, you were still struggling. This was one of those nights.

You laid in bed, listening to the sound of the sink in the bathroom. Sherlock finished brushing his teeth, turned off the light, and crawled into bed next to you. For a moment there was a loud silence, not a word was said or a breath breathed. "(Y/n)", he muttered, scooting closer to you. You were faced away from him, your tears creating a small pool on your sheets. He spooned your body, and you felt your heart smile a little as he fit perfectly around you. "Why are you creating a lake on our bed?" he asked, referring to the gathered tears. You sniffled and shook your head.

"I couldn't save you," you finally said. He sighed.

"We've had this conversation a million times (y/n). What happened... it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped me."

"But I should have known that something was wrong. I just feel.. I feel like I let you down. Here I was, sitting at home for two years cursing your name and crying my eyes out while you risked your life for me."

"Not just you," he teased, and you thought back to that conversation six months ago. "Listen, you let me back in and that's what matters." His voice was filled with so much emotion, more than you had ever heard. He kissed the side of your head softly and flipped over, away from you, on the other side of the bed. He was trying to give you space, but that was far from what you needed. You rolled over and grabbed his arms, making him hold you while you clasped your arms around his neck. You fit your head into the crook of his neck. You fell asleep trying to tell yourself that it was okay you didn't save him, and that welcoming him back in with open arms was good enough.



Quick update!
Have college orientation for 2 days so wanted to post this before I go.

WRITING CONTEST WINNER: Kati_thesassydragon !!! Her story was a Jim Moriarty imagine titled "Nightmare". You can find it, along with all the other entries, on my "Writing Contest" reading list! Congrats! You have won a cover by myfirstnameisagent , a shoutout from us, and top priority imagine request!

Random: What of all my imagines (both books) is your favorite and why?
(Not an exciting question I know, but I need feedback)


^^ sorry bout that, mental freak out (:

Lastly, myfirstnameisagent are WATTPAD married. It was love at first collab.

Okay that's it, tried to keep it short.

Lots of love

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