Moriarty: Good Treatment

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Request for _I_OU__J_M_

(This picture is killed me with cuteness when I saw it, so I had to use it)


"You still coming over for dinner tonight so we can talk plans?" asked Sebastian as he wrung out the bloody water from the towel into a bucket and continued to wipe down the chair the body had just been removed from.

"Only if we're having your mother's homemade lasagna," said Jim, scrolling through his phone.

"With garlic bread too, and brownies for dessert of course," smiled Sebastian, now emptying the rest of the bullets from his gun and slipping the weapon into its case. Jim licked his lips. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a meal cooked by a mother of any kind, and even though Sebastian still had to take it out of the freezer and put it in the oven, it was good enough for Jim. "But I should also mention that (y/n) is making it this time instead of my mum."

Jim was thankful that Seb was so focused on cleaning up that he didn't notice the way Jim's breath was knocked out of him, or the physical pause his body made when he mentioned his sister.

"Don't worry she's a good cook though, almost ask good as my mum," said Seb, walking to the exit and patting Jim's shoulder as he walked out.

But Jim wasn't worried about the food, he knew it would be amazing. Anything (y/n) did was amazing. He was worried how he would continue to hide his feelings for his best friends sister that he had already been hiding for years.


He walked up to the familiar chipped green door of their house. He was nervous, but he couldn't be. Jim Moriarty doesn't get nervous, especially when it comes to women. But he found himself knocking on the door anyways, even though he would normally just walk in. Footsteps shuffled from inside, and for a second he panicked. Should I just walk in? I never knock? Oh god the footsteps are closer and they're hers and DON'T WALK IN NOW JIM YOU'RE IN TOO DEEP-

"Hey weirdo, why did you knock?" asked the beautiful goddess who answered the door. Jim just smiled awkwardly at (y/n), frozen at the sight of her. He didn't answer because he didn't want to sound stupid, but he now realized that standing there speechless was just as bad because instead he just looked stupid. "Well are you going to stand there all day, or come in?"

Jim jumped in the door, shaking off the cold from outside and shedding his overcoat and hanging it in the hall. "Wow, smells great," he said.

"It better, been working my arse off trying to make this dinner perfect. I don't how my mum does it. And who knew that layering a lasagna was harder than delayering a human?"

"Would have never guessed," answered Jim with a laugh. He felt his body relaxing as he followed (y/n) in the kitchen. It's just like old times, no need to be nervous, he told himself as he stared at the back of her head. But then she turned around to face him, an evil smirk on her face. Jim realized that staring at the back of her head was a lot easier than staring at her face, with her captivating (e/c) eyes and intoxicating smile. IT'S NOT LIKE OLD TIMES, I REPEAT, NOT LIKE OLD TIMES. HER FACE DOES NOT LOOK THE SAME AS IT DID WHEN SHE WAS 10.

"Want to see the prank I'm playing on Sebastian?" she asked, walking over to the sink. Jim followed like a puppy dog, trying to turn off the screaming thoughts of panic in his head. "It's a small one really, but always gets him mad." She pushed turn the faucet of the sink on and a squirt of water came out from the separate spout off to the side. (Y/n) had tied a small band around the nozzle so that the water went there instead of out the sink. It was positioned perfectly to hit Sebastian if he tried to wash his hands.

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