Lestrade: My Big Fat English Wedding

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(I would if I had any)

Request for Magic_and_books

FYI, "Astird" is Lestrade's ex wife's name (I stole the idea from "The Office") (Yes it's pronounced "Ass-turd")


There were gasps around the room as you walked out from behind the dressing screen. You bit your lip nervously, taking in the wide eyes and open mouths of those around you. "Beautiful (y/n), really," commented Mary, coming to hug you with tears in her eyes. Molly and Mrs. Hudson joined her, and when they let go you were left facing (insert motherlike figure in your life). She smiled at you, thinking about how her little girl had grown up in the blink of an eye.

"Words cannot describe how-"

"I finally look like a presentable young lady?" you teased, winking at her as she opened up her arms for you to fall into.

"Something like that," she chuckled, drawing circles with her fingertips on your back. She squeezed you hard one more time, then let go, bringing her hands immediately to her eyes to wipe away their wetness. You smiled solemnly at her, then turned to the mirror, finally getting a chance to look at yourself.

"Shit, I'm hot," you said, covering your mouth in surprise. You looked like yourself, except without the flaws you picked out daily, and not to mention you were dressed to the nines in a beautiful gown. You blushed, not used to looking in the mirror this long and liking what you were seeing.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," said Mrs. Hudson with a giggle. You ran your hands over the fabric of your dress, smoothing out any bumps. You wanted today to be absolutely perfect.

"Hey guys," you said, eyes still trained on yourself in the mirror, "can I get a moment alone?" you asked. Everyone nodded in understanding and walked silently out the door. You waited for it to close, then you went and stood in front of the mirror. You looked at yourself with a stern, serious face. "Okay (y/n), don't mess this up. You are getting married to the man of your dreams and all you have to do is walk down the aisle without tripping, repeat what the minister says, and kiss him, - Greg, not the minister - and the rest is easy." You took a deep breath. "I can do this. Greg can do this. And then we can go home and have the best se-"

"Am I interrupting something?" asked an unfamiliar voice from the door. You jumped in fear, holding a hand over your racing heart as you faced the lady. You did a double take as you realized how much she looked like you, just older. Her hair was the same (y/h/c) color, and even the color of your eyes matched.

"Erm, sorry. Was just, uh, you know..." You trailed off, feeling awkward and wondering how much she had heard.

"I remember my wedding day," she said, staring off into space as she walked closer. You noticed that you two were around the same height as well. "I was just as nervous as you," she smiled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear like a mother would do to her child. You were just about to 'awww' in cuteness, but then her face turned deadly serious. "And I was also going to be marrying Greg Lestrade." Then she readied her hand back with the bread roller and hit you on the side of the head to knock you out like a light.


"Where is she?" hissed John as he lined up with the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"She'll be out, she just wanted a minute alone," said Mary, soothing him with a quick pat on the back. Right on cue, out walked the bride of a room down the hall, a thick white veil covering her face so that you could only see the distant (y/e/c) color of her eyes and her wide smile.

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