Teenlock: Storm (Part 1)

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Request for myfirstnameisagent because she needed it

(This picture has no relevance to the story but I thought it looked like young Sherlock with his first scarf.)

"Jeez that was the longest and most boring movie ever," yawned Greg as he removed his arm from around Molly's shoulder.

"Did we really just waste 3 hours of our lives watching that?" asked Mary. She snapped in John's face, which lay against her shoulder, to wake him up.

"Sadly, yes," answered Sherlock, silencing the whole room as he stepped in front of the TV and away from your loving grasp. The whole crew (John, Mary, Molly, Greg, Sherlock, and yourself) were having a couples movie night at Sherlock's since his parents were gone and his cupboards were always filled with food. "Now leave."

Everyone got up respectively from their various spaces in the room, folding blankets and grabbing pillows. At that moment your mobile buzzed and you checked it, seeing that your mum had texted you telling you to come home NOW because there was a bad storm coming. You wondered if she meant the actual weather or her mood. "I gotta go now guys, my mother texted me."

"See ya," they all said in unison.

Sherlock opened the door of his TV room and let you out into the warmly lit hall, following behind you and closing the door. He didn't say anything, just stared down at you with hazy eyes and a droopy smirk. "I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep," you teased, referring the countless other movies you always had to finish by yourself because he could never stay awake, or just wasn't interested enough to try and watch it.

"Well someone pinched my arm every time I almost did," he grumbled.

"New technique," you answered, standing on your tiptoes and pecking him on the lips. You went to leave, but he grasped your arm and pulled you back to him. You thought he wanted to kiss you more, but he put up a hand to block your mouth from his when you leaned in. "What was that for?" you asked with a pouty lip.

He didn't answer, instead just kept his hand grasped on your forearm, studying it religiously. Finally he let go and smiled down innocently at you. "I was testing your hydration levels. Your skin color bounced back fast, good sign."

You looked at him speechless - he always left you scrambling to catch up with his mind. "And why did you need to test my hydration levels now?"

"Was just curious," he replied simply, already turning the doorknob to head back inside the room. He winked at you and you shook your head in laughter, turning and going down the stairs and out the backdoor.

Then you were drenched. And you heard the first crack of thunder. And you saw the lightning. You looked tediously at the fence you were going to climb, a quick shortcut home but a good way for you to get struck by lightning. You looked up at the sky and another streak flashed across it, this time closer to the ground. Oh hell no you thought as you ran back inside the house. You went to run upstairs to tell the others not to leave but when you passed the living room you saw all them in there, staring out the front window with their jaws dropped. "It's better if everyone stays here I think," you said. They all turned their heads to look at you.

"We thought you might've died," commented John. "It's nasty out there."

"So naturally you didn't come check on me when you thought I might be dead?" you asked, partly joking partly not.

"Well Sherlock said that if you were dead your body would still be smoking and there would be nothing we could do about it for a couple of hours so he told us to wait," squeaked Molly.

"Where is Sherlock?" you asked, ignoring that fact that your boyfriend suggested they wait a couple hours to check on the status of your life.

"Right here," said a voice behind you. You turned around and he crinkled his nose at you. "You're all wet (y/n). My mum would kill you if she saw you dripping water all over her carpet. Come with me. You all stay down here," he ordered. They nodded and turned back to the window to continue watching the storm. You followed his bouncy curls up the stairs and into the bathroom. There, he got out a clean towel from a cupboard then disappeared into his room momentarily. You dried yourself off and took the opportunity to text your mom, telling her that there was no way you were trying to come home in this weather and that everyone was staying over here, Molly and Mary included so you weren't the only girl.

Sherlock returned with a handful of clothes. "Wear these, I'll put your stuff in the dryer." He left, closing the door behind him. You held up the clothes and saw it was his favorite t-shirt (a joke made up of science equations) and smaller boxer shorts. You peeled off your wet clothes and slipped into his soft cotton ones. They fit you baggy, at least the shirt did, and the smell of him made you smile. "Almost done?" he asked through the door. Before you answered he burst through, taking your wet clothes from the floor and hauling them down the hall to the laundry room, not even bothering to acknowledge your stunned face.

"What if I had still been naked and you had barged in?" you asked, leaning against the corner of the laundry room door. He stopped moving and you watched his cheeks redden. You loved making him feel uncomfortable. He looked at you, finally, and his eyes trailed you up and down. You smiled triumphantly, happy you could have such an effect on Sherlock Holmes of all people.

Then the power went out.


I GOT THE NEW HP PLAY/BOOK. 20 pages in and I'm already in love. Like I needed this. I've been under appreciative of my HP roots lately. Gotta love it. Always.


FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WATCH DOWNTON ABBEY I SHIP CARSON AND MRS. HUGHES SO HARD LIKE I HAVE FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND THEY HELD HANDS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE EPISODE I WATCHED LAST NIGHT AND I FREAKED OUT (but it wasn't a romantic reason for holding hands but still) AHHH I LOVE THEM. They just work. But I could never see them falling in love and getting married but they're just so dang cute they're my OTP big time.


I'm exhausted. This wasn't supposed to be a two parter but I haven't gotten much sleep lately and I've been exerting a lot of energy lately and now I'm spending a couple days with my lil cousins and they're crazy so hopefully I can update again tomorrow night or something. Whoo.

Random: Favorite time of the day?
(Mine is 4 am)

"What a tipsy turvy world we've come to."
- Carson (Downton Abbey)

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