Sherlock: Two Is Better Than One

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Request for @nirvanableach148


You bounced up the stairs to 221B and opened the door, but strangely, it was locked. You dug around in the your bag for the key, then unlocked it and walked in. It was warm inside, a nice break from the rain, and it smelled like freshly baked rolls. You groaned and began walking up the stairs, which was the only thing you hated about this place, and told yourself that was your work out for the day. Reaching the actual door to the flat, you found it locked too. You got out the key to it, which was different than the front door key, but it was missing. You decided just to knock, and a second later your favorite curly haired detective answered the door.

"Why'd you lock the door silly?" you asked brushing past him into the flat. It looked the same as yesterday, but it looked like home.

"You kept coming inside unexpectedly," he answered, still standing by the door.

"And why is that a problem?" you asked teasingly, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I broke up with you." You laughed loudly, getting on your tiptoes to kiss him. You secretly loved it when he joked with you like that. He looked down at you with a curiously calm look.

"Oh, guess I never said it out loud. Must be why you've still been coming over these past four days."

"Wait what?" you said, removing your arms from him and taking a step back. "Did you seriously break up with me?"

"If breaking up means telling someone you no longer what to be with them, then yes." Your heart sunk, and immediately you became defensive.

"Yeah but you actually have to tell the person Sherlock." He was not phased by your angry tone.

"Well I took your key."

"I just thought I lost it."

"It's not my fault you couldn't take a hint." Your anger had slowly been growing through the conversation, and now, it had reached it's peak.

"What hint? This came out of nowhere and with no reason. I do anything and everything for you. I put up with your mood swings and your rudeness and the psychopaths that break into our house in the middle of the day and pee in our fireplace, and you repay me by giving me 'hints' as to our relationship being over? Sherlock Holmes you are officially the world's biggest arsehole." With that you left him stunned and quiet, and you took this opportunity to make a dramatic exit.


A week later and you were still fuming. John and Mary had come to see you, but they cautiously avoided all subjects that may involve Sherlock, and so you were left to talk about the baby and the weather. John slipped one time, telling a funny story about Sherlock and Mary's pregnancy. You had dug your fingernails into your hand and ignored the gnawing thought that you would never have funny stories to tell about him and your pregnancy. After they had left, you laid disheartened upside down on your couch. You let all the blood rush to your head, and you thought how, if Sherlock saw you doing this, he would have some brainy fact about it that you wouldn't care about, but listen to anyways, because you loved hearing the sound of his voice.

"You could get a brain hemorrhage from that." You jumped at the voice of another human in your flat and ended up flipping backwards onto the ground. Of course, that voice wasn't just another human's.

"How the hell did you get in here?" you asked, jumping up from the floor and stomping over to Sherlock. He held up the spare key you had given him months ago. This was the first time he had used it. "What are you still doing here? Leave. I'm busy."

"Busy trying to get blood to pool in your lungs?"

"What?" you asked, feigning confusion. You knew he was talking about laying upside down, but you didn't want him to know that.

"Uh never mind," he said. He looked nervous and kept glancing around your flat without looking at you.

"Seriously Sherlock, leave." He finally met your gaze with a look of something you had never seen before. His eyes, which usually were cold and calculating, were now warm and sad.

"(Y/n) wait."

"I don't have time to wait. I'm going on a date later." He became stone still, and so did you. You don't know why, but that was the first thing that popped into your head.

"With who?" he asked with a quiet voice.

"Greg." Again, first idea that popped into your head.

"Who's that?" You wanted to laugh, you always thought it was funny how Sherlock called Greg all the wrong names and didn't know what his actual name was. But at the same time, you wanted him to hurt like you had been.

"Someone that will treat me right, or at least better than you did." You hadn't even finished the last word of your sentence before Sherlock was inches from you, cupping one of your hands with two of his.

"(Y/n) please. Don't go okay? The statistical chances of this working out are very slim considering you just got out of a relationship, and chances are even more slim in finding someone who cares for you more than I do." He had tried to slip in that last part without you noticing, but you had definitely caught it. But just because you heard it, and believed it, didn't mean he would be getting off the hook so easily.

"If you cared about me so much then why did you break up with me?" You hadn't bothered to step back when he had come close, and his minty breath filled your senses. He answered in a heartbeat.

"I was becoming to dependent on you. My thoughts, well they have always been focused on me or murder. I was not used to them being focused all on one person. I feared that this would hinder my deducing and crime solving skills. But since you have left, well now I can't focus on anything." He took a breath, then brushed a gentle hand along your face. "I've realized that I need you more than anything in this world, and that without you, I'm just an ordinary human." His hand continued to brush along your face, and you leaned into to the familiar warmth of it. You wanted to be mad at him still, but there was something about him pulling you in that you couldn't fight. This past week had been complete hell for you without him there. You swallowed the urge to laugh in his face and say "I told you so!". Instead you smirked happily at him. 

"Sherlock Holmes you are far from ordinary."

"Only when I'm with you."


Yay happy ending to the story!

Yay update!

Yay for college! (It was so much fun, I am so ready to move in and start classes and just get life going. But don't worry guys, even though I may get busy, I plan to continue writing. Wattpad has become a big part of my life. Like I literally tell me friends "Sorry, I have plans today, can't jam out" but my plans are just updating on here haha)

Anyone else on here addicted to "Pokemon Go" too or is just me? I've only caught one, but that's because the server crashed 5 minutes after I got it! There was like 20 people at work last night running around the baseball stadium catching them lol.

GUYS Martin is getting so hot and like I think he has always been but idk why I'm just really noticing it lately and wow. WOW. I mean I just... I don't even know. And him and Amanda are the cutest!!!! Amanda is always posting pictures and videos, she really is amazing. We are so blessed with an amazing cast and producers and directors. Just everyone that makes Sherlock happen, they deserve A LOT of love and thanks.

Random: Out of all the fictional characters in the world, who do you think you are most like?


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