Lestrade: Road Trip

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Request for myself because I needed some silver fox, ya feel?
(Also this is my fav pic of Rupert currently)


"How much longer?"

"Only 6 hours."

"Only?" sputtered Greg, his eyes still glued to the road. You two were taking a week trip to St. Andrews in Scotland for your one year anniversary and had decided to drive instead of fly. You were supposed to be leaving in the morning and that way you would have all day to drive, but due to the hotel you were staying in being very popular, you had to be there by morning at 8 am or your room would be lost. Thus, you were required to drive all night long, and only two hours into the 8 hour trip, you both were struggling.

"We can do this," you yawned, smacking your face lightly to wake yourself up. You promised Greg you wouldn't sleep and that way you could help him stay awake, or if he got too tired you could drive. "Do you want me to drive for awhile?"

"No I'm fine," he huffed, his eyes squinting. "But are the lines on the road supposed to be zigzagging?"

"Okay pull over, we're switching. You've been staring into the dark for too long," you chuckled.

He pulled off to the side of the road and you both hopped out. The cool winter air shook you awake as you walked around to the other side of the car. The wind whipped in your face and you were shivering by the time you got back into the car. Greg was already sitting in there and he had the heat turned up high, rubbing his hands together so they wouldn't freeze.

"Turn off the heat," you ordered through chattering teeth, closing the door behind you.


"If we have the heat on then we're going to get warm, and if we're warm then we'll fall asleep."

He looked at you like you were crazy. "But we'll get hypothermia!"

"Well at least we'll be awake. And if our body parts start turning blue, then we'll turn on the heat till they're back to normal."

"Mad woman," muttered Greg as he turned the dials to the blue. You started the car, your teeth still chattering, and pulled back onto the road.

It was now 1:00 am. You had 7 hours to make it to St. Andrews, and you knew that since the roads were empty that you would have no problem making it in time. You relaxed a little, leaning back into your seat. Minutes passed and the radio played quietly in the background. Soon you heard snoring, and you looked to your left to see Greg passed out in the passenger seat.

You reached across and smacked his arm, but he just shifted further away from your reach, his head now laying on the window. You groaned, then an idea popped into your head. You pressed down on the button that rolled down his window, and watched in waiting as his head dropped from the window and he snapped awake. "What the-" he yelled. Cold wind blew against his face and created a loud whooshing sound in the car.

"SHOULDN'T HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP," you yelled over the sound. Your window was down now too and it was even harder to hear.

"MY WINDOW WON'T ROLL UP," hollered Greg.

"I KNOW, IT WILL KEEP US AWAKE!" you yelled with a cheeky grin and a thumbs up.


You turned up the music so you could hear it, and it was now blasting through the entire car. The bass shook the speakers, but there was no way you were going to roll up the windows, it was the only thing keeping you awake. Suddenly, Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio and you and Greg looked at each other with lit up eyes. This was YOUR guys' song.

You started off singing normal, following the light tone of the song. When it built up, your voices built up. And finally, as it reached its climax, you both burst into screams, not even sounding like you were singing anymore.

"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me... FOR ME... FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

At the instrumental you both started busting up in air guitar, swinging your head and arms around in crazy dance, while occasionally keeping one hand on the wheel.

"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"

You felt Greg grab your arm that wasn't hooked to the steering wheel and you looked over to find him serenading you.

"Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby!"

You laughed and sang the next line with him, your eyes now off the road and instead focused on him.

"Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here."

Before you could glance back out the window to make sure you were still on the road, he took the chance to peck you sweetly on the lips. You smiled, biting your lip in pure happiness and turning your head to face forward once again.

You spent the rest of the trip switching off on driving with the windows down and music blaring. As you entered St. Andrews, at 7:30 am, you both cheered and took a couple turns to the hotel. Once arrived, you parked and got out, knowing that you could check in a little early. You both walked up to the door, but the handle wouldn't turn.

"That's weird," said Greg, who stood in front of you rattling the doorknob. You peeked in the windows, but the inside was dark. You went back to where Greg stood, noticing finally the sign that was plastered just to the right of the door.


"Uh Greg," you said, pointing to the sign next to him. He looked up and fell slack against the door of the hotel.

"You've got to be kidding me," he groaned.

"I wish I was.. But maybe this is better, it will be an adventure now!" you said through chattering teeth. You were now just realizing how cold it was outside.

He turned and looked at you with a half smile, putting his arms around you and pulling you close. "It's always an adventure with you."


Currently watching Sign of Three while writing this.
Oh yeah Greg, kick that car tire.
Oh yeah Greg, call that helicopter for Sherlock even though he just needs you to help him write his best man speech.

(^^ Okay that was like 3 days ago and I couldn't write one sentence, got too distracted and ended up just watching the episode lol)

Hopefully another update will be up soon.

Mother loves you.

Goodnight/good day.

BBC Sherlock Imagines (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon