Sherlock: She Loves You Yeah Yeah Yeah

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Request for jackskellingtonrulz5


(Just for reference, Eurus never went away)


"(Y/n)!" called Eurus happily, weaving between bodies in the 221B to get to you. "You made it," she smiled happily, blue eyes alight.

"I couldn't miss a classic Holmes family party now could I?"

"Sadly you've never missed one," muttered Mycroft as he walked by. You swatted him on the arm and he smirked at you playfully.

"Unfortunately neither have you," you laughed. Then Eurus took your hand and led you through the small crowd. You said hi to the usuals - Greg, Molly, John, Mary and Mrs. Hudson - and couldn't help but notice one person was missing. "Where's Sherlock?" you asked as you walked into the kitchen.

"You would want to know that huh?" teased Eurus, grabbing you a cup out of the cupboard and pouring you a drink of whatever mixture Mrs. Hudson had stirred up this evening.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," you answered, "no one else better know either." You sent her a warning look and she pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. You continued to bite your lip and pray your cheeks didn't turn red, both of which usually happened in this situation. Of course, Eurus didn't need physical giveaways to know about your feelings towards her brother. Since a young age you had been cursed with a crush upon the middle Holmes child, one that only got stronger with age. It didn't help that he to got more handsome each year, and you, well you just got more awkward.

"Sure you don't," she chuckled. "I'm sure he's in his room, pouting like the child he is. He didn't want a birthday party, but I insisted."

"Seems to never really get any older does he?" you laughed.

"You think we would've learned by now," sighed Eurus sarcastically, looping her arm with yours and walking back out the party. You stood next to John, catching up with him and everyone else. It felt good to be back with your friends - lately your job kept you so busy you went weeks without speaking. After several minutes had passed, and the birthday boy had still not made an appearance, you excused yourself and walked down the hall to the end door. You hadn't even knocked before a voice was heard through it.

"Go away." You rolled your eyes and burst through the door anyway. He was laying down in a dead man's position, but his hands were placed underneath his chin. He opened one eye at glanced up at you before closing it again. "Apparently you've gone deaf since the last time I saw you," he snarled.

"And you've become more of an arse. Well now that that's covered, get up and come out to the party." He didn't respond, as if you weren't even there. You sighed, deciding to try a different approach. "You know Sherlock, all those people out there are here for you," you said sweetly, trying to appeal to his emotional side - oh wait, you remembered to late that he seemed to lack one.

"They're always here for me. You think they come for Mrs. Hudson? Even when John lived here they didn't come for him."

"Of course," you agreed with a roll of your eyes. "Now get up and show them what they came here to see," you said, hoping that boosting his ego - even though he didn't need it - had worked. 

He sighed dramatically, "If I must, gotta give the people what they want," then hopped out of bed. He passed by you and you inhaled his frosty scent. You followed him out, smiling to yourself as everyone rejoiced at the sight of him. You took your place by Eurus as she gathered everyone around and handed Sherlock each of his presents. You suddenly remembered you forgot to place yours with the other gifts, and you got up to grab it.

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