Teenlock: Escape

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Quick request for jackskellingtonrulz5 because she said she needed it <3

(BTW after researching on the web, that pic is who I picture as teen Sherlock, his name is Charlie McDermott)

You thought that if you heard your mum yell again that you would explode. You didn't know why your little sister couldn't just shut up and go in her room. Your mum had been in a mood all day and your sister's sassiness and never ending questions were pushing her over the edge. You laid face down in the bed, pillow held tightly over your head. Your mobile vibrated and you lifted your head up to peek at it.

Sherlock: Do I need to investigate your death or something?

You smiled to yourself and responded: Sorry, mum's been in a mood all day.

It was abnormal for you to not talk to him at least once a day. Not only was he your best friend and someone you had grown up with all your life, but only a fence in your backyard separated you from each other. That meant late nights sneaking out and meeting each other to talk or, when you were younger, finding games to play that involved the use of a fence and a person on each side. Your phone vibrated again.

Sherlock: Don't take this the wrong way, but I was kind of hoping you wouldn't respond. I could really use a case right now.

Me: Well I wouldn't mind killing my sister right now.

You heard more yelling, your mom's voice again, and you screamed into your pillow. You would think that you being the teenager would mean you would fight with your mom, but no, it was your younger bratty sister. You felt more vibration.

Sherlock: Hop on over.

You decided to take him up on the offer. Your sister and mum would be too busy yelling at each other to notice you leaving and it would be a good idea so that you would have no chance of getting dragged into the mess of things. You got up to slip on some socks and shoes, and when you went to grab your phone from the bed you had another message.

Sherlock: Of course don't actually "hop over", that's physically impossible for a girl of your size and strength. If you tried you would probably end up impaling yourself. So please, climb over, carefully.


After sneaking out the backdoor like a ninja and climbing over the fence carefully, you walked to the backdoor and entered the house. It smelled like freshly baked cookies and as you were reaching for one, Siger came around the corner. "Hello (y/n). Seems like you were reading my mind, I came out here for a cookie too. Could you smell them all the way over from your house?" he teased.

You blushed, but smiled when you realized he was joking. "Sherlock told me to come over and I couldn't help myself."

"I don't blame you," he winked. "Don't forget to get yourself some milk to go with it." He walked back to the living room and you followed his instructions, pouring yourself a glass and grabbing another cookie for Sherlock. You walked up the stairs, first passing Mycroft's room. You knew he was home from college, so you hollered through the door, "Hi Mycroft." Seconds later the door opened and he greeted you with a sly smile. You were probably one of the only people outside of his family that he could handle.

"You still hang out with my brother?" he asked. You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. "He's actually in a decent mood tonight."

"I see you are too," you shot back. "And thanks for being so happy to see me," you said dryly.

"Good to see you (y/n)," he grinned sarcastically, then closed his door. You shook your head and smiled, making your way down the hall to Sherlock's door. You knocked with your foot, ordering him to open the door since your hands were full with food. It opened, but Sherlock was still laying on his bed like he had never moved. "How'd you do that?" you asked.

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