Mycroft: Stay At Home Dad

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Request for Fandom_beau


"You sure you'll be okay?"

"No," replied Mycroft to his wife, who also was the mother of his child he was currently cradling in his arms.

"Well at least you're honest," responded (y/n), kissing him on the cheek and slipping on her coat. "Hopefully I'll be back by 4:00, 5 at the latest." She leaned in to give her little girl a kiss on the head before stepping out into the London rain and bidding them goodbye.

As soon as the door shut, Violet began crying. "Already?" Mycroft sighed. He darted to the door and opened it, calling out to his wife. "(Y/N) SHE'S CRYING!" he yelled out. The walking form, which had just about disappeared from sight, turned around and smiled innocently at him.

"You have to wear the baby carrier, that's what she likes to be walked around in!" she called back, a knowing smirk already on her face. She knew he hated wearing it. He had only wore it once and it had been the worst 5 minutes of his life.

"I'm not wearing that thing!" he yelled, glancing down at Violet quickly as her wails got louder.

"You are if you want me to keep wearing this ring!" she shouted before offering a goodbye wave and walking away.

"Bloody woman, drives me crazy," he muttered under his breath before going back inside and shutting the door. And like it had been expecting him, the carrier lay on a small table in the front hall. Mycroft stared at it, and then Violet let out another wail. He jumped from his trance, grabbed the torture device and walked to the living room. He set a still crying Violet into her baby swing, then grudgingly put the straps around him. When he was ready, he lifted up his daughter's tiny form and slipped her into the carrier. Once settled, she smiled up at him with (y/e/c) eyes, and instantly his irritation slipped away.

"Oh now you're happy?" he asked with a chuckle. "You just wanted to put your father through some suffering, just for the heck of it huh?" She giggled and Mycroft didn't think he'd ever seen anything more adorable.

Then his phone rang and Mycroft groaned inwardly. He checked the caller ID before raising the phone to his ear. "And to what do I owe this pleasure brother dear?"

"I need your assistance," said Sherlock quickly.

"Funny, isn't it usually me asking for your help?"

"I'm almost to your house," answered Sherlock, purposefully ignoring his brother's sarcastic tone. Mycroft looked down, realizing he would never live it down if his brother saw him wearing this contraption.

"Wait-" But Sherlock hung up. Mycroft threw his phone on the couch and reached one hand behind him, trying to unclasp the baby carrier, while holding onto Violet with the other. He tried to hurry, but wasn't fast enough to get it off before the doorbell rang. Letting out a defeated sigh, Mycroft walked to the door and opened it for his brother.

Instantly a smirk covered Sherlock's features. "Somehow you've imagined to turn into a kangaroo overnight," he teased, then leaned his face down to Violet's. "But you do have the sweetest little joey I've ever seen," he cooed in one of those baby talking voices.

"Please don't say something in that voice when you're that close to me ever again," said Mycroft, giving his brother a disgusted look as he led him to the kitchen. "Now what is it that you need? I'm very busy today."

"Busy hopping through London?"

"Oh shut it," muttered Mycroft. "It's the only way she'd stop crying."

"Sure sure," said Sherlock with a cheeky smile. "Well the Prime Minister is coming over right now. Should be here in," he glanced at his watch, "two minutes."

"Two minutes?! What for?"

"I don't know, to discuss some non important government details."

"Well help me undue this baby carrier before he comes, I don't want him-" For the second time that day the doorbell rang at the wrong time and Mycroft groaned.

"That'll be him," announced Sherlock, winking devilishly at his brother.

He walked to the door and opened it up. The Prime Minister walked in, greeting Sherlock then turning to Mycroft, giving him an almost disapproving look. Mycroft tried to ignore it and retain some pride as he raised his nose and shook his hand. "Shall we get to work?"


Later, when hours had passed and you finally returned home, you were met by Sherlock in the foyer. "Well isn't this a surprise?" you laughed. "Did Mycroft need help with Violet or something?"

"No, he's actually doing quite well on his own. He just had to take care of some work stuff." He motioned for you to follow him, and soon you found yourself in front of Mycroft's office door, peaking through the crack inside.

You had to hold a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing - there he was, sitting at his desk in front of two very important men, baby carrier strapped to him with Violet inside while he fed her a bottle, and talked of important government details.


Random: (Mine is "The Tragedy of the Part-Time Politician")

Random: (Mine is "The Tragedy of the Part-Time Politician")

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