Teenlock: First Kiss

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Taking a quick break from requests because I randomly got this overwhelming obsession with Teenlock.


"What would you do if the purge happened?"

It was dark outside and the cool air made you shiver. You and Sherlock were walking home from John's house where you had spent the past 5 hours watching scary movies and eating popcorn. The last movie you had watched was "The Purge". Sherlock, like usual, had hid his face during most of the movies ("The Conjuring", "The Forest"), but he was actually semi interested in "The Purge", mostly because it was about murder. 

"First off," he started, "we're not in America." You chuckled, agreeing with him. You glanced over at him, a habit you had found yourself doing for the past couple months. He walked with his back straight, making himself a good half foot taller than you. He was wearing a sweatshirt with his hood up, but his curls still peeked out and cut off just above his eyebrows. Even in the dark glow of the streetlamps his eyes could be seen clearly and you wondered what it would be like to look at them close up. "And if we were in America, I would make sure to plan my trip so I wasn't there when it happened." 

"Sherl, come on, play along for once and just answer the question," you whined, punching his arm lightly. Really though, it just an excuse for you to touch him.

He looked at you with those blue eyes and your whole world turned upside down. Sighing and rolling his eyes, he began talking. "If, for some crazy reason, England suddenly became the dumbest country in the world and allowed the purge to happen then..." He paused and his face scrunched up in thought. "Then I would lay in the middle of the street with fake blood poured over me like I was already killed, that way everyone would assume I'm already dead."

"So you would leave me to fend for myself?" you teased, wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans and praying you weren't being too obvious.

"I never said you couldn't join me." He was staring straight ahead when he said it and the lighting was too dark to tell if there was smirk on his face or not. You knew he had meant nothing by it. He would've said the same thing to John or Mary or Molly. You're not special. You're his best friend. The one he used to take baths with and have mud fights with. You're like a sister to him, and brothers and sisters don't like each other like that. You must've had a serious look on your face because then he said, "I think you have your thinking face on. Can't be sure though, haven't seen it a whole lot." You passed underneath a streetlight and looked over at just the right moment to catch him winking at you. There goes my insides again, you thought.

"Funny," you growled sarcastically. You two had reached his house and he opened the gate to the backyard, not bothering to let you in first, instead just letting the gate slam behind him and hit you in the face. "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks for asking," you gasped out between waves of pain. You let go of your face when you approached him, and he smirked evilly at you. 

"I figured you'd rather climb over  the fence then walk by yourself to your street. I know how scared you were by the movies," he said, running his hands through his hair and knocking down his hood. 

"I'm not the one that hid my face the whole time," you shot back trying to keep a steady tone, but it was difficult when his voice had gone gravelly and he played with his hair like that. You two had reached the fence and you leaned your shoulder against it while he stood in front of you. He stared you down like he was analyzing you, well he called it deducing, and you were thankful for the fence being there to support your wobbly knees.

"Your pupils are dilated and you've been wiping your clammy hands on your jeans the whole way home." Sherlock did not yet know those were the signs of being in love... or did he? You heard him swallow and watched his adam's apple bob up and down; he looked nervous. To continue his deduction, he grabbed your hand, flipped it over, and placed two fingers on your wrist. A quick burst of electricity passed between the touches of your skin and you wondered if he had felt it too.  "Fast pulse. Another sign of being scared."

For a second the wind stopped blowing and the earth stopped spinning and it was only you and the young shaggy haired detective standing there, at 2am, lost in a moment you never imagined yourselves in. He stared so deeply into your eyes with his crystal orbs and your wish had come true - you finally got to see what they looked like close up. You felt it coming and you prepared yourself, you had never kissed anyone before, and you hoped you wouldn't be too bad at it. Now just lean in smoothly and...

Suddenly an anxious look entered his eyes; he let go of your hand and started rambling. "D-did you know that the human body has approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels? And that your heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet?" Not only was his voice shaking, but his body now too. "Did y-you also know that during your lifetime you will secrete enough saliva to fill two swimming pools?" You smiled knowingly, a small heartbeat of courage growing inside you. He had felt it too.. That moment.. When we almost.. "Oh I bet you don't know that Monday is the day of the week when your risk of having a heart attack is greatest-" 

You stood up on your tiptoes and pushed your face into his, making sure to cock your head to the side so your noses wouldn't bump. For a second he was caught off guard, his mouth still trying to form words you didn't care about. His lips were surprisingly warm.. and soft.. and they tasted like popcorn. Your eyes had been closed and you opened them to find him staring with wide eyes at you. Feeling awkward, you ended the kiss and stepped away from him, but the smell of his cologne lingered close to you and filled your senses. You bit your lip, not wanting to look up at him.

"Did you know," he started out in a raspy whisper, "that lips are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body." 

You glanced up at him and he was staring off to the side of you, looking down firmly at the ground. You couldn't read his emotions. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that," you muttered feeling embarrassed about the whole thing now, but you didn't regret it, not one bit.

"And because of this they are great for tactile sensing, hence why babies and toddlers tend to explore new things by touching them to their lips."

"Why do you keep naming off random facts about lips?" you snapped, starting to get annoyed.

"Just trying to make sense of why yours felt so good on mine," he said wistfully. You knew he hadn't meant it to sound like a pick up line, that his brain was only trying to calculate his feelings and that he probably hadn't even processed fully what he just said. You watched him, his eyes darting from side to side in thought. Sherlock had been your first kiss and instead of it ending in nervous laughter and a promise of another to come, he was totally engrossed in his mindpalace, trying to understand the dynamic of human emotion and feelings surrounding the infamous "first kiss". He stopped thinking for a moment and glanced up at you. Your body went stone still under his gaze and for a second you forgot how to breathe. "I just don't get it," he whispered, studying you with the precision of reading a text book. That familiar feeling of courage grew inside you again, and you reminded yourself how easy it had been the first time, that even Sherlock himself had admitted he liked it. 

"Well let me help you out," you said slyly, scooting up close to him. "We'll try it again and see if you understand it better the second time," you grinned cheekily. He was momentarily confused, then blushed when he realized what you had meant. You stood on your tiptoes, leaning into it smoothly as you felt his hand lift up to gently caress your face.

He finally understood it after the fifth try.  



AND RUPERT GRAVES. (Just putting that out there in case you guys didn't know ;))

Guys my phone broke and so I'm waiting for it to die so I can put it in recovery mode and reset it.. I'm so pissed. Third time it's happened and I'm usually able to fix it fast but not this time... 

Random: Would you rather have to kiss Anderson on the lips every day for the rest of your life OR be licked on your face by Magnussen every day for the rest of your life?

(I'm evil I know lol)

"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid."

- Jane Austen

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