Moriarty: Kitten

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Request for Mrs_Margaret_America, my first born.


"Which one would you like sir?" asked one of Moriarty's men. Jim's eyes searched the litter, finally landing on one with (y/h/c) hair.

"That one," he said, pointing towards the (y/e/c) eyed one.

"Her name is-"

"I don't care what her name is. She shall be called 'Kitten'," hissed Jim. He watched as Kitten was loaded into a crate for safekeeping until they got home.

On the way home he smiled, for the first time in a long time, lost in thought about his new life with Kitten. She would sleep with him every night in bed, eat breakfast with him every morning, and he would train her so he wouldn't have to use a leash when they went on walks. And she would love him, unlike every other creature he experienced on the daily in this world. She would understand him and not judge him. He would finally feel loved.

When his car pulled up to the house and parked he jumped out happily, then straightened his suit and gathered himself. He didn't want excrete too much emotion. What would his men think? He walked to the front door, nodded at the man who opened the door for him and headed inside. There, he was met with a steaming cup of tea on the table and a biscuit beside it; his favorite midday snack. He sat and ate alone and in silence, only his thoughts to keep him company. He thought of Kitten again and smiled.

"Sir?" said a voice from behind him. He turned around and nodded for the man to continue. "We have set up Kitten's room. She's upstairs when you're ready."

Jim nodded, trying to hide the smile playing on his lips. He wiped his hands and headed upstairs, trying not to seem too keen on entering. He took a deep breath, then went through the door.

There was kitten, laying her bed half asleep. Her eyes open slightly as he entered the room and he was dazzled by their prominent (y/e/c) color. "Hi Kitten," he purred, walking over to her bed and leaning down to pet her. She was scared though, and moved her head to avoid his hand. He tensed up, then took a deep breath and tried again, thinking to himself, She doesn't know you, she's just scared of strangers is all. He reached for her again, but this time she got up and moved to the furthest part of her bed.

Fire rose in his blood. "You will love me," he growled. Her eyes widened in fear as he continued. "You will let me pet you. You will let me hold you. You will want to love me. And you will need to love me if you want to survive." By the end of this, Jim was in tears. He collapsed onto her bed, crying out, "Why does nothing love me?" over and over again.

Kitten watched him, pity growing in her heart. But it wasn't her fault she was afraid of all men. They had only brought her pain her whole life. And when she had see this man come and pick out her, fear and hatred had iced over her heart. Now she watched as this oh-so-powerful man turned feeble before her very eyes. With tears pouring out of his eyes and his body shaking he more resembled a little kid who just wanted someone to hug him and tell him it would be alright.

So that's what Kitten did. She crawled over to him and draped her arms around his surprisingly small form, then began to run her fingers through his dark hair. After awhile he calmed, turning to look at her with grateful eyes and a hopeful half smile.

"Thank you Kitten," he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

"My name is (y/n)."


In case you didn't get it, Kitten was never actually a kitten, but a human girl sold Jim bought to keep himself company...

Sorry for the short and sporadic updates. I'm just going through a lot right now and I'm exhausted before the day even begins. But this felt good to write, like really good. I was able to focus and although it was short, it was fun to write. I hope to be back to "normal" soon. But until then, we shall deal with the random breaks between updates.

(For those of you with requests that have sent in I will be working on those so don't worry)

Random: What is your spirit animal?
(I truly believe mine is a cat.)

Thank you for the continuing reading, voting, and commenting. You are the best children ever! I really am such a lucky mother :)

Good day mah peers

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