Moriarty: The Winning Side (Part 2)

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There was some confusion from the last part, and you are supposed to be 22 in this one, not your actual age. Sorry I didn't mention that before! We don't want Moriarty to be arrested for being a pedy now do we

Also important announcement in A/N, please read


It had been a couple days since you met Jim. In that time you became sure your father wanted nothing to do with you, but Mrs. Hudson insisted he just didn't know what to do with you and that he loved you, but just didn't want to overwhelm you. Oh you were definitely being overwhelmed, with a whole lot of nothing.

One day, when John and Sherlock had left on a case, and Mrs. Hudson went down for her daily nap, you pulled out your phone and typed in the number Jim had given you. It rang and rang and rang, and just as you were about to hang up, he answered, the high voice greeting you. "Hello," he said, almost as if he knew it was you already.


"I know," he said. There was a blood curdling scream in the background, and he hissed a shut up to it.

"What's that?"

"Just a person I'm finishing up with." His voice was nonchalant.

"Are you fighting or-"

"Come over," he ordered. The strictness is in his voice caught your attention and you felt your face burning.

"You seem busy and I don't want to intru-."

"Come over. I'll text you the address." And then he hung up. As annoying as it was that he was ordering you to come over, you felt something inside of you heat up. A second later your phone dinged. The address popped up, and you clicked on it so it went straight to your maps.

You dashed out of the room and out onto the sidewalk. The walk was about 15 minutes, and the cold bit at you. By the time you reached the nameless building, your nose and ears and lips were a frozen red. You walked up to the single door that was in the middle of the cement slab building. There were no windows or anything else. You were about to knock, but you doubted that Jim would even answer the door, he didn't seem like that kind of person. You decided to march right in.

You were met with a long black hallway. You turned on your phone flashlight, and after telling yourself to stop being a baby, tiptoed down it. It wasn't long before you found yourself coming to a dead end, but once you reached it and looked to your left, you saw the hallway continued. At the end of that hallway there was a strip of light at the bottom, most likely from a door.

Then a blood curdling scream erupted from behind it, and you knew where he had to be. You speed walked, almost jogged, to the end of the hallway. The screaming had continued, along with crazy laughter that you recognized must be Jim's. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed open the door.

He turned around at the squeak of the door. His eyes wild. He was leaning back against a table, a single knife in his hand. "(Y/n)," he said in a surprising tone, "didn't think you'd come. I'm impressed." His eyes ran themselves down your body again, and instead of crossing your arms and closing yourself off like you might to any other man, you found his gaze riveting and making you feel more sure of yourself than before. He noticed the way you stood straighter, and smirked slightly. "Sorry about this." He pointed behind him to the bloody mess of a man, shreds of skin draped over his almost lifeless body. "I'm almost finished and then-"

"It's fine. I'll watch." You gasped slightly to yourself as you realized what words had just come out of your mouth. You had only seen the fake killings on the movies, not the real ones, but now you were intrigued.

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