Sherlock: Nothing On But the Radio

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Request for @camcrusher123

Fact: This title is a name of a song that I have stuck in my head


You turned off the water and stepped out of the tub. But, as you were stepping out, you were also doing a funky dance move to the music that was playing, which caused you to slip and fall. Butt naked. On the ground. You got up, rubbing a sore spot on your right cheek, and grabbed your towel from the rack. You wrapped it around you and headed out the door, continuing to dance and sing despite your clumsy accident earlier. You danced into your bedroom, spinning and twirling and lip syncing like you were in a music video. You jumped in front of the mirror and sang into your invisible microphone, imagining what it would be like to be on X-Factor.

Eventually you tired yourself out with your cool dance moves (okay not cool dance moves, more like wild, out of control swinging motions with your body) and decided to finally get dressed. You reached your dresser, but as you were going to open your knicker drawer, "Single Ladies" came on. Now, you were not single, you were taken by a certain curly haired sociopath, but that didn't stop your from putting your hands up, and in the process, knocking off your coconut piggybank you had bought in Hawaii. It hit the ground with a loud thump.

Twenty seconds later a group of five people burst through your bedroom door, pointing guns and calling out your name. You yelled and threw the closest thing to you, your deodorant, at one of them. By the time it had left your hand, you realized too late you knew who the five people were. It was Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Donovan, and Anderson. The deodorant, already soaring through the air, moved like in a slow motion movie and hit John square on the forehead. "What the hell did you do that for (y/n)?" he yelled, the area already turning red.

"Well when five people unexpectedly burst through my bedroom door with guns pointed at me what do you expect me to do? It's called self defense."

"We came inside the flat and heard a big thump. Sherlock ran in here, so we followed him because we were worried," explained Greg.

You pointed at the floor innocently. "My coconut piggybank fell when I was dancing."

"You were dancing?" asked Sherlock smugly. His eyes traced the length of you, from your toes to your hair, and you suddenly remembered you were only in a towel.

"Well isn't that what you do when you're home alone?" you teased.

He smirked slightly, only for you to see, because he knew you were right. One day you had stopped by after work unexpectedly and he has been practicing his leaps and twirls in the living room. Suddenly the smirk disappeared. "Anderson, please stop admiring my girlfriend in her towel or I will have no choice but to stab you repeatedly until your face is no longer recognizable, even by your own mother."

Your face became hot and you tugged the towel tighter towards you. You stole a glance in Anderson's direction and, just in time, caught Donovan shooting him a dirty look and smacking him upside the head. The room became quiet, and you bit your lip trying to think of the least awkward way to break the silence. "I'm going to get naked." They're eyes became wide and you stuttered over your words, realizing how bad that may have sounded. "I meant like, after you guys, like, you know, get out of the room. Because obviously I'd never get naked in front of all of you because that'd be weird and..."

You kept babbling on until the door had shut and it was just you in the room. With a sigh of relief, you dropped your towel and changed into some shorts and a tank top; it was unusually warm outside. The music was still on, streaming a variety of genre's from your library. A familiar tune came on and moved its way to your dancing bones - "Old Time Rock N' Roll" by Bob Seger, a classic oldie.

Now you had seen the infamous dance commercials to this song, and decided to mimic them. As soon as the familiar "dun dun dun dun dun dun dun" came on, you slid across your hardwood floor. Just your luck, you didn't stop sliding and turn around all smooth like they did in the commercials, instead you kept sliding until you slammed into your door and hit the ground hard. You moaned and cradled your right shoulder, which got the brunt of the impact. You waited for someone to come, but no one did. "SHERLOCK!" you yelled. Immediately the door opened, and you looked up at him. "Didn't you hear me hit the door?"


"Well why didn't you come see if I was okay?"

"Because last time we did that we got hurt," said John. He appeared in the doorway, nursing his forehead with a bag of frozen peas.

"And we thought you might still be unclothed," finished Sherlock.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" you winked, standing up and planting a kiss on his high cheekbone.

"I would!" hollered Anderson from down the hall. Sherlock clenched his fists and flexed his jaw, you swore you even saw steam pouring out of his ears he was so angry.



Felt silly writing this. A good silly. My old silly that I missed.

GUYS Mrs_Margaret_America IS A FREAKING AMAZING SINGER JUST SAYING. She was giving me personal concerts over snapchat. I feel so special.

Tomorrow my two friends and I are celebrating Rupert's and Ben's birthday. We were supposed to do it earlier, like in the middle of their birthday's, but I mean tomorrow is Ben's so it works out!
So yeah.
(I don't like to bake so I will just eat the brownies and cinnamon rolls, I mean close enough right?)

The struggle is real.
DAMN YOU HIATUS. I am literally going crazy. 2017 is too far away someone help rn because imma die because I need Sherlock like I need oxygen no joke


(I'm going to start ending my A/N's in quotes, however they will not always be Sherlock related, just thought I'd start off with one)

"To a great mind, nothing is little."
- Sherlock Holmes

BBC Sherlock Imagines (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora