Oldlock: Wedding Day

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Ya'll should check out Sierra_AtTheDisco and her writings! You won't be disappointed


"Granny, who is that?" asked your oldest granddaughter, 10 year old Rose, pointing to a picture of a young man with sharp cheekbones and black curls standing in a fitted black tux.

"Your grandfather of course," you answered, chuckling at the look of shock on her face.

"Grandpa had siwwy hair," said five year old Oliver with a laugh.

"He did, didn't he?" you chuckled.

"Is this you granny?" asked Rose, now pointing to a younger looking version of you in a white dress that had flowed around you like a goddess.

"Indeed it is."

"Your dress was so pretty," she breathed, running her fingers lightly along the picture.

"Maybe one day you can wear it," you smiled, lifting her chin up and kissing her on the nose.

Suddenly two pairs of busy feet hurried around the corner to where you three sat on the couch; it was Lily, seven years old, and Harry, nine years old. "What are you guys looking at?" asked Lily, kicking off her flats and coming to sit by Rose on the couch. Harry followed her, opting to sit on the other side of the couch with Oliver. You watched as he picked him up and set him on his lap, then started looking at the pictures.

"Grandpa and I's wedding album," you answered proudly. The whole family had come over for your 30th wedding anniversary, and when Rose had asked about your and Sherlock's wedding, you had decided to get the album out and show her. Now, all the kids sat around you, flipping through the pages and pointing at the faces they recognized.

"Do you remember everything from that day?" asked Harry, brushing the black curls out of his eyes, the ones he had inherited from his grandad.

"I remember it like it was yesterday..."

You watched your maid of honor walk down the aisle before you and felt your arm being tugged a little tighter. You turned to face your father and noticed he had tears in his eyes; you gave him another hug. "Ready when you are," you breathed in his ear, remembering what it felt like to be a little girl again in his arms.

"Oh honey," he said shakily, "I'll never be ready." You released him from your grip and kissed him on the cheek. You took a deep breath, and as you heard the music begin and the pews creak from people standing up, you looked up towards your future.

Sherlock stood tall, even though at the moment he was leaning down and whispering something into John's ear. John saw you and smiled, then elbowed Sherlock, motioning him to look down the aisle. Sherlock followed suit, his eye finally catching you.

Immediately his jaw dropped and you don't think you had seen him blink the whole time you walked down the aisle towards him. Had you even been walking though? It felt more like floating, like you were floating in a dream. Because marrying Sherlock Holmes really had been a dream come true.

You reached the altar and Sherlock walked down the steps to meet you and your father. You hugged your father one more time, then let Sherlock take your hand and lead you to the beginning of your lives together.

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