Chapter 26 :O

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Thanks so much to Alex_Black143!

She made my new cover!

If you have any ideas for my cover send them to me but Alex's is probably staying for awhile since it's my first one!

AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333




“Harry’s here?” I whisper. Draco had just givien me the news that my brother was in the hospital wing along with me.

I sat up and saw he was in the bed across from mine sleeping.

“Do you know what happened?” I asked Draco.

He shook his head. “All I know is what Dumbledore said when he walked in here. Harry is here because of the cut Wormtail gave him.” Draco said.

“Oh.” I said.

When Harry wakes up he’ll tell me what happens.


“Do you feel better today baby girl?” Draco asked pushing my bangs out of my eyes.

“Tons. It still aches a bit but it’s ten times better than it was yesterday.” I said taking his hand.

“I’m glad you feel better.” Draco said.

“Me to.” I said.

“Oh gosh. They put me right across from you two? Isn’t trying to be murdered twice enough?”

I looked up to see Harry staring at us annoyed.

I took my hand out of Draco’s and tried to get up from my bed.

“Emma no_!” Draco called.

Once my bad leg touched the floor I colapesed.

Harry and Draco were at my side in second they both picked me up and set me back in bed.

“Harry.” I breathed once I was safe.

“Em. Your leg.” Harry whispered.

I looked down at my leg and it was a deep purple.

“It’s better than it was yesterday.” I said pulling the cover’s back over me.

“She was burnt to the bone.” Draco said.

“Holy sh*t.” Harry said.

I shrugged.

“Mom and dad are coming today to check in with us at elven and some Gryfinndors are coming at one.” Harry said rubbing my arm.

“Harry I’m fine really.” I tell him.

He takes his hand off me and nods.

He lays down in the not occupied bed beside mine and holds his arm.

“What happened last night Harry?” I asked him.

He looked like he was going to say something but then he changed his mind.

“I can’t tell you. Yet. When school is over I can. We only have two more weeks.” Harry said.

“But I’m in here for a week and three days!” I protest.

Emma Potter (Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now