Chapter 40 :D

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I walked down towards the Qudditch pitch Harry and Ron following close behind me. Hermione was to busy studying Umbridge to come, it was not intresiting to her anyhow.

Emma had woken up extremly early to get us all seats and we were to meet her in the pitch in about five minutes.

When we reached the entrance to the pitch Draco was outside of it looking around frantically.

"Malfoy!" I called as we walked over to him.

"Ginny, thank God you're here." He said when we reached him.

I looked back at Ron and Harry who looked as confused as I felt.

"Why aren't you in the locker rooms?" I asked him.

"Emma's gone." He said.

I stared at him. "What are you talking about, she's probably in the pitch."

"No, I went to go talk to here before the game started and she wasn't in the pitch but I found these." He said handing me Emma's jacket and the poster she made.

"These are Emma's." I said.

"Well where is she?" Harry asked me.

"I don't know." Draco and I said together.

"We have to tell Dumbledore, or Mcgonagall, someone!" Harry said in a rush.

"Well maybe she's in the bathroom or something." Ron said trying to ressure us.

"No, she wouldn't leave with out this." Draco said pulling out Emma's ring that Draco had given her.

"We have to tell a Professor." I said repeating Harry's earlier thoughts.

We all ran back towards the castle.

Once we were in the castle we saw Dumbledore walking towards the Great Hall.

"Professor!" Harry yelled at him.

Dumbledore turned towards us and we ran up to him.

"What is it Harry, oh hello Mr. Malfoy and Ms. and Mr. Weasley." He said nodding at us polietly.

We all smiled back.

"My sister is missing Professor."  Harry told him urgently.

"Oh, no." Dumbledore muttered and took out his wand.

He pressed it against his throat and started talking, "Attention all students! All Qudditch games are canceled and I want you all back in your Common Rooms. Teachers, please come meet me in the Great Hall as soon as possible." Once he was finished he put his wand down and looked at us.

"We will need all of your help." He said.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Is there anyone you can think of who might have kidnapped Ms. Potter?" 

We were all silent.

A few minutes later Draco spoke, "However hurt her last week, she almost died, that person might have kidnapped her."

"Do we know who hurt her?" 

We all looked at each other. "She wouldn't tell us, all she would tell us is that she fell, but it was obvious someone had hurt her." Harry said.

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