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Tris's POV

"We got there ten minutes after patrol found them. Couple; late thirties, both found in the front room with multiple stab wounds. The woman was pregnant and obviously the baby was lost." Is what I hear as I walk into the squad room for the first time. Already the conversation I hear makes me want to turn around and walk out, but I know I can't.

"Robbery gone wrong?" A different man asks, as I walk towards the captain's office.

"No, nothing was taken. Whatever the reason, it was a personal matter. A personal motive." The man from before says and I knock on the wooden door in front of me.

"Come in."

"Prior! Welcome." The captain welcomes me with a small friendly smile, one you probably don't see much on this kind of job.

"I'm sure you took a small look around at the squad room, but let me show you your locker, desk, and most importantly I'll introduce you to your partner." He says, and I follow him out. I've been-and still am- jittery about meeting my partner. Who it'll be, what they'll be like, just everything about it makes me nervous.

Walking out, many people are on their computers or over by the lockers just getting here. Two are over by the evidence boards.

Captain leads me to an empty desk and the one across from me is a mess. With stacks and messed up piles of papers.

"Here's your desk, and Four should be back soon. He just ran down to the M.E's office a minute or two ago."

Four? What kind of name is that??

I nod sitting down, "Your locker over there is the sixth one. Should have a piece of tape on it you can write your name on." He informs me.

"Over there--" Cap points to a pair typing away on their computers. "Is Christina and Uriah, partnered for four and a half years."

"That is Marlene and Will. Two years." He says, looking to the two at the lockers.

"And then there's Zeke and Shauna, just seven months working together." One stands by the evidence board where as the other is at their desk filling out papers.

"Okay." I nod, taking off my navy jacket and laying it over the back of my chair.

"And there's Four, walking in. He'll be your partner."

A built, tall man walks through the doors, wearing a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Even from here I can see how intimidating this man is... and he's going to be my partner.

I watch him stop by the lockers, and grab a red file from his bag. Closing it he walks over to his desk, typing something into the computer, not glancing at me.

Swallowing my nerves I speak up, "Hi I'm--"

"Zeke!" Four calls and walks over to the evidence board. the one covered in pictures of the bloody knife, the dead bodies, and pictures of possible suspects. Completely disregarding my beginning of introducing myself.

I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, of what else the medical examiner found and what it will mean for the investigation.

"You're new aren't you?" I hear a voice ask me, making me turn my head. Christina-- I think her name is-- stands there with a small smile.

"Yeah." I say, my shyness making my voice sound even smaller.

She laughs a little at that. "I'm Christina."

Christina holds her hand out, which I gladly shake. "Tris Prior." I tell her.

"So you're Four's new partner huh?" She asks, crossing her arms and trying not to smirk.

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