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Tris's POV

The next couple of days flew by quickly as Four and I focused on finding cold hard evidence that Mr. Buchanan and the courts couldn't refute.

So far, none of the evidence we have discovered is concrete. It proves that she knew him, and he knew her... but that fact is already obvious. The video of Mr. Buchanan entering Miss Evans's home only proves that they knew each other and that she worked for him. Nowhere does it show that they were romantically involved, although we already know that they were. That was something Four and I could tell from the beginning, that they were together more than just professionally. The phone calls on his phone bill to Miss Evans again shows that they worked together.

Mr. Buchanan is scheduled to come in this afternoon, to answer some more routine questions we have for him. And during that interview, we're hoping that we'll get something to help seal this case. But this man works in the legal system, he knows all the tricks that law enforcement use. He won't be an easy one to crack. No matter how guilty he may be.

"Tris," Four says breaking me from my thoughts as I stare at a blank computer screen.

"Hm? Did you find something?" I ask him, blinking a few times and focus in on Four as he speaks.

The faint smirk that curls against his lips is all the answer I need. "Nita found something. And you aren't going to believe it."

| | | |

"We appreciate you coming in Mr. Buchanan," I say as I lead him into an interview room. Four following after us. "It shouldn't take too long, there's just a few more questions we would like to ask you."

Mr. Buchanan sits down in the chair across from Four and I, and he glances down at his large, very expensive watch. "Let's hope it doesn't, I have a meeting in twenty minutes."

"Honesty usually quickens everything right up." Four comments and his eyes don't leave Mr. Buchanan. His gaze cold and trying. But as Mr. Buchanan looks up from his watch, he locks eyes with Four and his look is one of smug security. He sees Four and I as pathetic for even trying to convict him on a crime everyone knows he committed. Even though he works in a law firm, this man truly believes that he is above the law.

"How long did you say Miss Evans worked for you?" I ask, and Four leans back in his chair. Studying the man as I ask him the questions.

"She started working for me three months ago." Mr. Buchanan answers, clasping his hands together and rests them against the table.

"And did you ever speak with her outside of work hours?"

"I know what you're trying to get at detective,"Mr. Buchanan says with the same smug look on his relaxed face. "But yes. I did contact Miss Evans outside of work hours. For professional reasons of course."

"Of course," I respond dryly. "Did you ever visit Miss Evans at her house?"

"On the occasions that she had some papers that couldn't wait until morning, yes."

"And were you collecting papers on Tuesday morning?" I ask him, sliding a paper across the table towards him. "That's you in the video footage correct?"

"How was this footage obtained?" Mr. Buchanan asks, picking up the paper and studying it.

"I don't believe that was the question that was asked." Four retorts, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"If you aren't willing to cooperate and answer the given question, maybe your wife could shine some light on why you were at another woman's house in the early morning hours of Tuesday, should we give her a call?" Releasing a quiet sigh, I can't help but question what Four is doing. All he is going to do is make this man lawyer up and then we'll never get answers. I'm as put off by this man as he is, but I'm at least trying to keep my composure.

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