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Tris's POV

The weather called for rain today, but the showers never came. The sky had rejected the clouds with raindrops to spill, and settled for an empty but clear blue blanket instead. Maybe there would be showers or storms tomorrow to make up for the lack of precipitation today, but either way, it felt like the sky stayed blue for a reason. Up until the last minute ticking down to dusk, the sky stayed it's pale baby blue shade. The sun shinning down to warm the cool temperatures in the air, but the sky was a constant view. Never changing all morning and afternoon, just a blue that stayed steady and strong.

And in that, I couldn't help but think of him.

Maybe the weather and the sky were trying to tell me something. Maybe they were trying to remind me of the reason why I hadn't given up. Maybe the blue that was spread across the sky above me all day long, was the world's way of replicating Tobias. Celebrating alongside me in his forthcoming freedom. Perhaps... although I could have just been craving to see his blue eyes shine before me.

What was blue all day has now shifted shades. Colors bleeding together to paint the sky. Pinks, oranges, lavender. A sunset full of simplistic yet breathtaking beauty. And to think that that kind of sky would be the first one Tobias would get to see, made me smile at the world's kind work.

I stand before a set of tall gates, leaning against my car I drove here in. The entrance I watch is guarded, and will only open when the guards bringing him out call for his exit. I've tried preparing myself all day for the moment those large gates open, and Tobias stands before me on the other side. But as I stand here waiting, my heart beating with each tick of the clock, I find myself nervous.

Nervous to see him. I visited him the one time, he requested I didn't come back. For my own benefit he explained. I fear for what he may look like. Will he be bruised and weak? Or will he be cold and rough as stone when he leaves? I'm nervous to stand before him because I know I'll burst into tears. Not only just from the exhaustion these many long weeks have caused, but to be with him again. My biggest dream coming true to be in his arms again. But I think I may be most nervous to see where we stand.

Clanking of the gates in front of me pulls me from my anxious thoughts, and my eyes snap forward. I straighten as I wait for the doors to open up. For what takes mere seconds, feels like an eternity when I know what's waiting for me on the other side. But eventually, they open. Slowly, but surely they open wide to reveal the guards on the other side but my eyes almost don't register them. They fall on one individual and everything else simply blurs into the background. Everything around us is insignificant as my eyes lock with his, and I feel in that moment my legs going weak.

He steps forward, out of the gates and I hear them close behind him. And the loud bang of the doors shutting is almost symbolic in a way. He's closed the door on the prison, and the choices he made. What happened is behind him now, and as he takes another steps towards me, he's walking forward into his future.

Tobias's blue eyes don't leave mine as he walks till there is only a small bit of space left between us. His feet stop him in his tracks, and I watch his Adams apple bob slightly as he swallows. Staying silent, as all we do is stare at one another.

"You're here."

His tone is filled to the brim with disbelief, as if I was the last person he expected to be waiting on the other side of those doors. His thick brows furrow slightly, as if he's squinting to see if I'm real and not some mirage about to fade away. But taking a step closer to him, I prove to him I am here. I am real.

"Of course I'm here," I respond softly, shaking my head at him. "where did you expect me to be other than right here waiting?"

He thought I would've left, I know that's what he thought. I can see it. It's the same look he had the day he told me the truth about his past and about himself. He thought I would've run for the hills, turned on my heels and never looked back. But here I am... still with him. And I want him to know that even this, isn't enough to deter me from him. I love him... I love this man.

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