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Tris's POV

Laughter and shouts of lighthearted jabs bounce off the walls around me, as I sit with Marlene, Christina, and Shauna in the living room of Zeke and Shauna's nicely furnished apartment. We sit on the black leather couches, chatting as the boys play poker at a table a little ways away. Not far enough to cut down on their boisterous shouts and liquor boosted laughs, but as much as I wish for a bit more quiet with the girls, I enjoy seeing Tobias in this setting.

I don't see it often, him amongst his friends. I usually see him in his work mode, and on more recent occasions his doting boyfriend mode. The latter is my personal favorite. But I like being able to witness the happiness and contentment on his face as he rakes in money from his friends through poker. I like when I can see him become stress free, and relax for a few hours. Where all the weight that man carries on his shoulders, disappears and he can just live in the moment. Carefree and happy with those that make him that way. And a good supply of beer never hurt either.

"I still can't believe it." Shauna says with a shake of her head, and turning my head back to focus on the girls I sit with, I catch her gaze directly on me. Taking a sip of her own drink, she grins softly.

"Never in a million years did I think I would see the day that Four landed a girl, especially not his partner!"

I blush, and look down at my drink that I hold in my lap. "I know, I know."

Shauna laughs, "Did you know that he is the absolute worst flirt I've ever seen, I'm serious. Zeke and I took him out one night, we had set him up with a blind date. We sat in the booth behind them, and the first thing that came out of his mouth pissed the date off! It's like he's skilled in offending anyone he comes into contact with!"

"I don't know how you did it."

I shrug my shoulders, my lips spreading into a shy smile. I don't like the attention, it makes me squirm in my seat just a bit. But at the same time, hearing them speak about Tobias and just how smitten he is with me... makes me see even more just how lucky I am.

The girls jump into a new topic, but it is soon cut short as shouts of losings come from the table a few feet away. Zeke throws his cards down in frustration, and his chair scraps against the floor as he stands up quickly. Uriah laughs at his brother, and Will leans in back in his chair after dropping his own cards down. And Tobias is the only man left smirking at the table.

"Looks like we have some men to comfort, huh?" Christina jokes as she and the others stand. But I stay seated as I spot Tobias coming my way.

"Hey you." He wears that one smirk on his full lips that never fails to make me melt, and when he leans over to kiss my cheek softly... I'm gone. I'm a complete puddle on the floor. Damn this man.

"Hey yourself." I greet with a smile.

This is what a Friday night should look like. A nice relaxing time with close friends, stress free and far from work. I know that this week has been more stressful than usual for Tobias due to his mother coming back into his life. And this is just the kind of night he needs.

"It's a nice place they have, isn't it?"

Tobias looks around at the place, and I have to admit it is very nice. The walls of the living room we sit in are painted a deep burgundy color, and the hardwood floors make the room a little lighter. It's a warm room, home like, which is nice in an apartment.

"And I'm sure the commute must be pretty convenient."

"How so?" I ask, tilting my head to the side to gaze at him with a small smile.

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