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Tris's POV
Walking in one week later, after getting a few days off, is uncomfortable. I can feel the stares, I felt them downstairs on the first floor. But now I'm feeling the stares from the people I have to work with all day.

After setting my things in my locker I head for my desk, Four already there.

"Good Morning." I sigh sitting down, watching him fill out what looks to be paperwork.

Four lifts his head to look at me, "You look like something's on your mind."

"What no good morning back?"

Four sets his pen down, "Good morning, looks like something's on your mind."

Rolling my eyes I lean forward, resting my elbows on the desk. "People are looking at me differently, and it's driving me nuts. I take what, three days off and come back to people treating me or at least looking at me differently."

Four nods, "Don't let them get to you."

Picking up his pen he starts writing again, "You're not looking at me the same anymore either."

"What?" Raising his head, his eyebrows curved in confusion.

"You have opinions about that night that you haven't been able to share, and now I feel like you're going to start acting different too."

"Do I have opinions about it? Yeah. But it's not going to make me change the way I act around you, or make me treat you differently as a partner."

I nod, surprised but satisfied with his answer.

"We got a fresh one," Four says, exiting out of a screen on his computer. "you up for it?"

"Yeah." I sigh, ready to get back to work.

After the usual elevator ride and a twenty minute drive we reach what looks like a lake, with forests and a few lake cabins in the near distant.

"Where's the body?" I ask, as we walk down to the water. Where I can see Nita, and the whole C.S.I. team here.

Four points, "Water."

I nod, walking till we reach the edge of the clear water.

"Male, I'd say no older than twenty years of age." Nita says.

The boy lays there, his skin looking wrinkled and pale.

"Cause of death is drowning," Nita adds. "and I'd say he hasn't been dead for more than forty eight hours."

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know if this was a murder or not. I mean if it was just a swimming accident we don't really need to be involved." I ask, crouching down to look at him.

His clothes stick to him, as they are absorbed of water.

"Well I still need to run the autopsy," Nita states. "but there seems that there was no sign of a struggle. If he had been conscious when the drowning took place, there would be some sort of bruising. Some sort of ripped muscle, anything suggesting he fought to stay alive."

"So he could've just been dumped?" Four questions her.

Nita shakes her head, "I'll know more after the autopsy."

"Alright." I say, looking at the boy once more.

"What do you think?" Four asks me, his hands on his hips.

I shrug, "I'd say a homicide, if he was unconscious when he drowned, someone had to put him there."

Four nods, "We should expand the search team, we have to really check every inch of this place. The homes, the other places he could've been dumped into the water and floated over here."

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