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Tris's POV

I can honestly say I don't know how Tobias functions on the days he's here before eight a.m. For the next day, I'm dragging. Not only is my mind and heart heavy, but my body is run down from lack of sleep. He makes it look easy, working non stop when he's hardly slept. But then again, he's always made this job look easy. I know most of it is a façade, something he puts up for everyone to see and think. But still, he manages to look put together whereas I feel like I've barely pulled myself together.

The day is coming to an end as some of my colleges pack up to go home for the weekend, and the sunset paints the sky outside. Pale pink replacing the bright sky blue.

Standing up from my desk, I carry with me my final report on the Miller family's murder suicide case. Starting to walk across the squad room towards the Captain's office, I'm stopped by Christina pulling me aside. Out into the hallway, where we are somewhat secluded from others.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She demands softly, and I raise my eyebrow.

"Didn't tell you what?" I ask, needing something more to go on.

Christina rolls her eyes at me, "Don't play dumb Tris! You and Four!"

Oh... damn. I guess we never did tell anyone about our relationship. Not that we've necessarily spoken about it, or defined it ourselves.

"That huh?"

"Yeah that!" She laughs, placing her hands on her hips waiting for me to spill any and all details.

"It just sort of happened, I don't know." I shrug, and she smiles.

Shaking her head, she looks down at her watch. "Look, I got to head out. But we are not done talking about this."

She laughs as she leaves, and I can't help my small smile. I may be feeling off this week, but she never ceases to make me smile.

Heading back into the squad room, I reach the Captain's office and knock on the door.

"Prior," He says looking up from his desk as I open the door "Come on in."

Nodding, shutting the door behind me I approach his desk. "I have that report on the Miller case Captain."

"Good, thank you." He says and I hand it to him as he holds his hand ready to receive it.

Just as I'm about to turn and walk out, he stops me.

"We just got a call in about a shooting downtown Prior, I've put you and Eaton on the case if you want to head on over."

My chest constricts and the feeling is familiar, like it does when I wake from my nightmares. And my mouth feels dry as I think about seeing more bullet wounds on a person who I'm assuming didn't deserve to die.

"Captain," I begin nervously. "I um, if it's alright, I'd prefer if I could sit this one out. Let T--Four handle it. If that's alright."

I feel nervous. Not only because I almost slipped up on Tobias's name but because I know Captain will question this.

"You have that card I gave you still don't you Prior? Because I think you should really try and meet with one of those consolers. Even for one visit."

I nod, unable to think of any words to reply with.

"I agree it may be best if you let your partner handle this one, but Tris, there is no shame in talking to someone."

Swallowing my nerves, I give him a small smile. "Thank you Captain."

With that, I leave his office for the evening. Heading back to my desk, Tobias approaches me with a smile playing on his full lips.

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