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Tris's POV

"Did you forget to set your alarm?" I ask Four as he walks in the next morning. Forty five minutes late, and in a rush to get here before the Captain notices that he's not.

Dressed in a simple brick red t-shirt, and black jeans he speeds to put things in his locker and get to his desk.

"Yeah, overslept." He quickly says, turning his computer on.

I bite my lip to hold in my laugh, "I see that. I feel like I was the super early one today."

"Did you get anywhere with those phone records?" He asks, changing the subject from himself to the case we're working.

Pulling it out of the manila colored folder I hand him the two sheets of phone calls starting from Tuesday night into yesterday.

"There's a number that he called several times, I'm thinking either a girlfriend or just a friend." I share, as Four's eyes scan over the paper as well.

"Call it."

Confused I ask, "What?"

"Call the number, see who it is." Four clarifies and hands me back the paper.

I guess he saw the hesitation in my eyes or on my face because his next comment told that he knew that I didn't feel all that comfortable with doing that.

"I think you can handle one simple phone call, I mean come on." Four says, sending me a 'really?' look.

"Fine." I mumble picking up the phone and dialing that same number.

Letting out a deep breathe as I wait for the other number to answer, I see Four mouth something to me.

'Put it on speaker', so I do as he says.

"Hello?" A female voice fills the phone, can't be that much older than Thomas is.

"Hello. This is Detective Eaton with the Chicago P.D, may I ask who I'm speaking with." Four says in a calm, and may I say friendly voice.

"This is Sabrina Clarkson, can I help you with something?" She asks, leeriness heard in her voice.

"Yes, we were wondering what your relation to Thomas Baker is." Four says, running a hand over his slightly stubbled jaw.

There's a small pause on the line before she answers, "Thomas is my boyfriend. Is he alright?"

"Well we're looking for him and can't seem to locate him. Do you know where we might be able to find him? Or get in touch with him?"

"I don't. I haven't seen him a few days now, he called me the other night though but didn't tell me he was going anywhere." She says, and there's a hint of panic in her words.

"Is he hurt??"

"Not that we know, but it is regarding his father. So if you hear from him or visits you please contact us, it's very urgent." Four tells her.

"I will."

"Have a nice day." Four says and hangs up the phone.

It's a side of Four I have yet to see, not only the friendliness on the phone but the compassion with me. He could let me call and talk to her, I could've made it through the call. But instead we called her together, and he took the lead talking to her when I clearly wasn't comfortable enough too.

"Thank you." I whisper, and he looks up at me through his lashes. His deep blue eyes seem to hold me whenever I look into them, the color mesmerizing every time they're seen.

He--just barely-- nods and what I think is a small smile tugs at his lips.

"What now?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair.

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