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Tris's POV

"Let's go over this again," Zeke says, leaning forward as he speaks calmly to Amar.

Four's arms are crossed tightly over his chest, and he rocks back and forth slightly as he fumes watching this. But Zeke is doing him a favor, letting him watch and hear this. As it isn't our case, Four has a personal connection to this man. Zeke is doing him a solid here.

"You got home at 4:30 this morning," Zeke begins and Amar nods his head. He looks a wreck if I'm being honest, exhausted and crawling with nerves and confusion.

"Yeah, I was at a bar for hours. You know, just one of those days." He shrugs. "I got to my apartment complex around four thirty and there was a woman laying there right in front of the entrance."

"A woman? This woman?" Zeke slides forward two pictures. One looking to be a drivers license photo and the other taken at the crime scene.

Amar nods his head, "Yes."

"And you've never met this woman before?" Zeke asks, and I can see how much Amar wants to run his hands over his face. But can't because he hasn't been able to wash off the blood, even though they have taken samples already.

"I have never seen her before in my life."

"Then Amar," Zeke lets out a sigh, and I know this can't be easy for him either. He knows Four and Amar's history, the man is like family to Four. "How do you explain that the knife found plunged in Miss Ander's chest came from your apartment? You already told me that the knife looked like those in the set in your kitchen, and C.S.I found the set to be missing one. This knife. It had your fingerprints, had your DNA on it, no one else's."

Amar shakes his head, "I don't know. But I didn't kill this woman."

Four releases a sigh next to me, and just as I move my head to look over at him I jump as his fist hits the wall next to the glass. "This is bad, dammit, this is bad."


"He didn't do this, I know him, and he wouldn't kill anyone." Four insists, and I know right now no one can truly talk to him. Or if they do, their words will fall on deaf ears.

Four punches the wall one last time before walking away, leaving me here to watch him storm off.

|   |  |   |

"Do you think he did it?" I ask Zeke as we walk back to his desk. Four disappeared, and I have no idea where he is. But I know right now I need to let him have some time alone.

Zeke shrugs his shoulder, "I don't want to believe it, I really don't. But at the same time, I look at the evidence and I can't help but question."

"His hands were covered in blood, her's right?" I ask, as Zeke sits on the edge of his desk.

"Yep. Lab tested it, and its a match for Lacy Anders."

"Did he give you a reason for why he was covered in her blood?"

"Said when he found her, he tried CPR. Compressions, the whole nine yards."

I shift my weight from one foot to the other, "That seems pretty reasonable doesn't it? I mean, most people would do that."

"I agree," Zeke says with a nod of his head, but from the tone in his voice I know that there is a but coming. "But most people's knives aren't found in the victim's chest."

Sighing, I look down at my feet. That piece of the story is going to be hard to explain.

"I hate this case." Zeke mutters, sitting down in his swiveling chair. Leaning back and tossing his pen back and forth in his hands.

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