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Tris's POV

The chilly morning air fills my senses as I stand outside beside the car, as Tobias fills it with gas on our way to work. The season is quickly changing into autumn. The trees going from green to leaves of many fall colors. The air that used to be humid and warm in the day, turning cooler especially in the mornings that require more than just a loose sweater.

"Says see cashier," Tobias says shaking his head, and makes me turn to looks at him. Breaking me from my thoughts.

"I'll run in." I tell him, and he looks up at me as he puts his credit card back into his wallet.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," I nod, already beginning to walk towards the small gas station. "Shouldn't take too long."

Looking down at my watch, we still have about ten minutes to get to work. And the precinct is only a few blocks down, and there are hardly any cars here. This shouldn't take that long.

The sun feels warm on my chilled neck as I reach the sidewalk, and opening up the door the air conditioning takes any warmth away. Stepping in, a small bell chimes above me, and I spot one cashier at the desk. He looks thrilled to be here early this morning, as he flips through a magazine bored out of his mind.

Knowing I have a few extra minutes, I move down one of the first aisles that has drinks, deciding to pick both Tobias and I something to start the day off with. A coffee for him, and a tea for me.

The gas station is quiet; the sound of my shoes on the tile seeming louder than the random music playing on the radio that streams through the speakers in the ceiling above me. It almost feels like it could be a ghost town in here, until I hear that little bell chime in the front of the store. And then... all hell breaks loose.

Have you ever watched one of those action movies where when the bad guys come storming in with their guns in the air shouting, it all suddenly goes to slow motion or the sound is drowned out to make the scene feel more dramatic? Because that was exactly how this moment felt.

Everything felt slowly paced, like the moment was edited into slow motion. But the way these two men in black ski masks entered the store, with hand guns pointed at the employee working the cash register, it was all quick. Planned. And it was all happening before me.

The sound of their voices mixed with the employee's felt distant somehow, as if their voices began to fade into the background. But even faded, their intent was never the less real. They pointed their guns ready to shoot as they robbed the employee, and suddenly time floods back to me. I no longer feel like I'm watching a scene shot in slow motion, instead it turns back into a quick paced split second decision.

"Chicago P.D," I shout, and the drinks I had in my hands fall to the floor. One of the bottles breaking near my feet, as my hands pull my weapon from my holster.

"Drop your weapons!" I command, raising my own firearm at the men. One keeps eyes on the cashier, as the second turns to look my way.

The man's eyes are the only part of his face visible to me as the black mask covers all the rest. But his eyes are all I need to see. They speak of his intent, and just by looking at those brown eyes I know he isn't going to back down.

"Put the gun down," I repeat, stepping towards the man who watches me closely. "I'm not going to tell you again."

Holding my gun steady in my hands, my finger is ready as it rests on the trigger. And suddenly, that fast paced moment suddenly slows once again and the sound around me becomes drained. The only noise I can hear now is the heavy thumping of my beating heart, sounding like a drum in my ears. Because the man I have my gun pointed at, lifts his own weapon and points it straight at me. And our triggers are pulled at the same moment. Our bullets flying through the air at one another, and just as my bullet hits him all sound returns. All time floods back in and the man who still holds his gun at the cashier, turns around.

"Drop your weapon!" I shout, and as he sets it down on the counter with his hands up in surrender, the little bell chimes once more. And in the corner of my eyes, as I approach the second man and begin to cuff his hands, I spot Tobias running in. His eyes widen when he looks at me and the man shot dead on the floor.

Everything happens quickly after that, flying by me in a blur. Another set of officers arriving and taking the second man into custody. Another cop taking the cashier's statement and the medical examiners arrive to take away the man's body I shot. I watch as they load the body into their vehicle for transport, and can't help but feel... guilt? Maybe guilt isn't the right word, but taking a person's life is never easy. No matter how much it's justified.

"It was either you or him." Tobias's hand rests gently on my shoulder, making me jump slightly at his sudden presence.

Turning to face him, I nod. "I know. But I still shot a man."

Tobias doesn't say anything, just pulls me into him. Wrapping his strong arms around my body that still feels on the verge of numb. Resting my head against his warm sturdy chest, I can hear his heart beat. And just like if I were looking up into his blue eyes, his heart beat calms me. Slows my racing mind, and allows me to take a breath of much needed air.

"Tris." He says, and I pull away. But I don't move far, still wanting... no needing, to be close to him right now.

"What?" I ask looking up at him.

"You're bleeding." He says, lifting my right arm up, and that's when I spot the blood trailing down my skin. Some still flowing and fresh, and some already beginning to harden onto my skin.

"Looks like it's just a graze, but you should let the paramedics check it out." Tobias says, and I nod in agreement. I hadn't even felt the bullet graze me.

"Then I think you should go home."

"What?" I ask him, with my eyebrows raised.

"Besides getting that arm checked out, there's no more you can do here. There will be a review of the shooting, but I think you should take the day off Tris."

Crossing my arms over my chest, not even thinking about the graze on my upper arm that still bleeds.

"Please don't baby me here Tobias, I'm fine. I've dealt with a similar situation before, remember?"

"I remember." Tobias nods with a sigh.

"Then you'll also remember that people drove me crazy with the questions of my well being or wanting me to just take desk duty for a few days. I don't want to have to go through that again, please. I'm going to let them take a look at my arm, then you're driving me to work. Okay?"

Tobias stares at me for a long moment, trying to read my eyes or gage my mental state perhaps. But finally he shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans, and with a reluctant sigh, he nods his head. And walks with me to the paramedics waiting outside.

My body may still be shaken, my mind may still be swirling, but thinking back to the moment that played out only minutes ago, there isn't anything I would change. Tobias is right, it was him or it was me. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to get through the review of the shooting, file my report, and put this morning behind me. Simple. I'm going to be just fine. And looking up at Tobias who waits with me as they bandage my arm, I know with him beside me I will be better than fine.

A/N: This chapter had a little bit of everything huh? Some FourTris and some action! 🙈A good combo, yet maybe a dangerous one too! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I will say that this chapter is kind of important for chapters in the future. Won't say how, why or when, just that it is! Again, I hope you all enjoyed it!💕

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