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Tris's POV

The sound of my phone vibrating against the dresser wakes me up, and barely opening up my eyes, I see that it's still night or very early morning. Darkness covers every inch of the bedroom, and there is no sign of the morning sun from the shades that are drawn. Reaching over I grab hold of my cellphone, and sliding the answer button as I run a hand over my face, I answer.


My legs stretch out slightly, as does my hand that doesn't hold the phone. By body instantly searching for Tobias's warmth and company, but both end up empty. Looking to the right, Tobias's side of the bed is empty. The sheets are smoothed back down but his pillow still shows the soft indentation from where his head laid.

"Tris," Zeke's voice rings through my phone, and my eyebrows crease in confusion.

"Zeke?" I ask, sitting up as I'm more awake now.

Looking around Tobias's bedroom, everything looks the same as it did when we turned in for the night. The only thing out of place is Tobias. Maybe he went downstairs I think to myself, but something about the fixed and smoothed sheets makes me feel otherwise. Something about the weird sensation that washes over me as I wake up fully, makes me know otherwise.

"Tris, I know it's late, but you need to come in."

His tone sends a chill up my spine, and looking to the cold side of the bed Tobias usually occupies, I know the two are connected.

"Why? Is Tobias with you?" I ask him, and swing my legs around to where they dangle off the side of the bed. And my hand reaches to the dresser, turning on the small lamp for a little light in the dark room.


"Is he alright?" I can hear the faint break in my voice, and I can only assume that Zeke heard it too. "Zeke, is he hurt?"

I can feel my heart beginning to beat faster inside of my chest that constricts just thinking about the possibility. A lump forms in my throat and tears pierce my eyes as my imagination runs with the worst image it can conjure up.

Zeke lets out a sigh that sounds louder over the phone. "You just really need to be here."

With that, he hangs up. And suddenly, the bedroom Tobias and I have been sharing more and more seems darker and quieter than it ever has before. A silence that I can feel in my very core, and an ominous sensation that threatens to suck every ounce of air from this room.

Standing from the bed, I scramble to dress. All the while, hoping my hardest that what I'm picturing and what I'll find won't match up.

| | | |

I'm nearly running into the squad room when I get to the precinct at a little after midnight, and Zeke walks over to me when he spots me. A couple of the others are here as well, Uriah and Shauna stand by each other wearing the same expressions on their faces. And I see Captain heading to his office, and all of them are in their street clothes. And that tells me that they were recently called in like I was.

"What's going on Zeke?" I ask him, desperate for answers. My heart pounds so hard I fear it'll give out, but I concentrate my hardest on Zeke who stands in front of me.

"We're not sure Tris." Zeke shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. And from the look of it, he must've been doing that quite a bit in the last few minutes.

"What do you mean you aren't sure?" I ask, my eyebrows bending as confusion and anxiety courses through me.

Zeke lets out a sigh, and shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. "About an hour ago, officers were called to the scene of a 187. Captain gave orders that we were to meet here and not at the scene."

My mouth goes dry as he explains. A 187; homicide.


"There were two suspects there at the scene when officers arrived. They brought both of them in, but have only arrested one. The victim was found stabbed, and the suspect they are charging was found with the knife in hand, with hands completely covered in the victim's blood."

I swallow another lump growing in my throat, "Sounds like a slam dunk." I mumble nervously, as I wait for Zeke to continue.

"The suspect has also given a full confession."

I shake my head, trying to understand everything I'm being told. But one thing hasn't been answered.

"What does Tobias have to do with this Zeke? Was he one of the responding officers?"

Zeke rakes his hands through his hair once more, before asking me to come with him. Silently, we walk down the hallway heading for one of the interrogation rooms. Zeke walks in front of me with his hands hidden in his jean pockets again, as I follow after him. My hands twist together anxiously, and despite wearing a heavy warm sweatshirt my body trembles.

Zeke releases another deep breath before his steps slow, and I watch as his back raises and falls with the breath. He stops us in front of the one way glass looking into one of the interrogation rooms. And turning my view away from Zeke, I look through the glass and the sight before me makes me gasp.


He's here, but the small burst of relief at seeing he's safe soon fades as I realize that he may be safe... but he's not alright.

He sits in one of the chairs, with his head facing downward. I can't see his eyes, I can't even get a glimpse to read the expression across his face. His arms are laying out in front of him on the metal table, and even in the dim lighting that needs to be fixed in the room, two connected silver bracelets sparkle. Handcuffs. Tightened around his wrists and the chain connects to the table, keeping him in place.

But that isn't the only thing that makes my heart drop as stare at him. His hands, his beautiful tan hands are no longer smooth and soft as they always are. Instead, they are dyed and caked with a dark crimson. Blood, I think as my eyes shut. A single tear trickling down my cheek as I reopen to see that he's lifted his head.

And as if he can see me through the glass, his blue eyes meet mine and any air left in my lungs dissipates. He looks pale. He looks drained completely as the color is gone from his skin, and exhaustion sketches itself across his face. He looks a wreck, and my hands crave to cup his pale cheeks and hold him. But I'm frozen as I stare at him.

"He's the suspect?"

My voice feels far from my own, and far from this room.

"Right now Tris," I can hear the regret and dismay in Zeke's voice as he speaks softly. "He's the killer."

A/N: Whaaat?!?! 🙊🙉 I promised you guys more drama was to come, and this chapter sure packed it. The next few should do the same, prepare yourselves!🙈

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