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Tris's POV

I'm fading. That's the ugly truth, I'm fading before everyone's eyes. I can't remember the last time I had a solid night's rest. I can't name the last time I had a full and well balanced meal. I can't even recall the last day I didn't crash at some point throughout the day. I'm a wreck, and I'm failing at hiding it.

"You're more caffeine than human, girl. Seriously," Christina walks over to me as I get out of the car with her. My hand holds onto my third energy drink of the day, and it's barely noon.

"Can't you cut me some slack?"

Christina chuckles softly as we meet up on the sidewalk, "I have been. For nearly a month now. But I'm concerned Tris, look at you."

I don't need Christina to tell me how I look right now, I know exactly how I appear. No need to rub it in anymore than I already am.

"I know," I say with a sigh, as we begin to walk. "I'm trying my hardest, I swear I am. But I guess it just doesn't measure up."

"Look Tris, maybe I'm in no position to talk, but would it be such a bad thing to start picturing what your life might look like without Four in it?"

My feet come to a skidding halt, and Christina turns around as she was a few steps ahead of me before realizing I stopped.

"What did you say?"

"Tris, don't get upset. I'm just worried for you that's--"

I don't think twice about cutting her off. "You think he's guilty?"

"I didn't say that, not even close."

"But you think he's going to stay there. You think there isn't a way we can get him out of there." I question her, and I'm trying hard not to crush the can in my hand.

"I didn't say those things either Tris, all I'm saying is it looks to me that Four is being stubborn and doesn't seem to want to get out as badly as we all want him to. There's a possibility that his stubbornness is going to keep him there, and that you're going to have to figure out life without him. No matter how unfair or screwed the situation is."

My ears ring from her words. Maybe because I couldn't believe one of my closest friends sounded like she was losing faith in him and in my ability to get him out. Maybe because her negativity threatened to suck any grain of hope and positivity I had left. But maybe... because deep down, I knew she was right.

"Don't get me wrong, any one of us would be doing the same thing as you are Tris. So we aren't in a position to judge, but I'm watching my best friend fall apart and I feel like I can't do a thing." Christina explains. "But I know Four wouldn't want this for you."

"I... I don't know what I'm going to do Chris." I admit to her in a fallen whisper, feeling as my voice and positive outlook begins to break.

Christina's face softens and she walks closer to wrap her arms around me. "You are going to take it one step at a time. One day at a time. And I'm going to be there, through it all. Every step, every day, you won't be alone. I promise."

| | | |

"Looks like the perp broke in through the back," Will shares as I meet him and Christina at the crime scene. "made his way through the kitchen, took the steak knife from the sink and went through this door into the living room where she was folding laundry. Her back was towards the door, completely unsuspecting."

It had been a few days since my conversation with Christina, and although it was a hard thing to hear, I needed to hear it. I've been eating more lately, cut down on the caffeine intake that was making me bounce off the walls, and I've been able to concentrate a little bit better. I still haven't been able to sleep, as every time I shut my eyes I see his face. But small steps I suppose.

"Any prints on the knife?" I ask as I spot it still plunged in the woman's back.

"None so far," Will answers. "None on the doorknob either, looks like he wore gloves."

"Might be a professional or just being proactive." I comment, as I look at the middle aged woman on the floor. Her blood soaked into the carpet and into the clothes she was folding that were knocked to the floor.

"There was a single footprint however, on his way out. He must've stepped in the pool of blood there when he walked out. It's only a partial, but CSI thinks that they can identify shoe size from it."

Nodding, I follow Will back towards the door we were at to look. But a ruckus at the front door of the house pulls our attention.

"Is Detective Prior here?" I hear a voice ask, but I can't yet see who it is.

Whoever it is sounds tense, out of breath, and in a hurry.

"Should be in back." Some uniform answers and turning the corner, Zeke comes into view.

Breathing heavily, he rushes towards us. "I've been trying to call you."

My eyes that were bent in confusion widen slightly as I had completely forgotten to turn my phone off silent. "I'm sorry, it's been on silent and I haven't had time to check--"

"Doesn't matter," Zeke shakes his head at me, running a hand through his honestly wild looking hair.

"What's going on Zeke?" Will asks from behind me, as he watches Zeke with confused eyes.

"Tris," Zeke breathes out, and slowly his lips curve upward. "Four is getting released."

"I don't know what got him to see the light," Zeke shakes his head as his lips curve into a bigger smile. "But he confessed the truth. He finally told them the real story."

My heart stops as time slows. My mouth drops in shock and my eyes instantly water with the emotions rushing through me. So much so, that I question if I've even heard him right.


Zeke smiles a wide grin, as he nods. "He's coming home Tris, for real."

I had heard him right... Tobias was coming home.

A/N: A short filler chapter for you all. Not my best, but I'm excited to write the next chapter. Who else is excited for a FourTris reunion???

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