Chapter Seventeen: Proposition

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Author's Note: There is some things in this chapter I don't know if you guys will like but I promise it only happens in this and one other chapter. Zac/Natalie are very much my main couple so please stick with me and I hope you like this chapter regardless.

Nine Crimes Chapter Seventeen

The next night, I sit at the dinner table watching Natalie shooting dirty looks across the table at Bethany. Bethany notices it too and she makes an effort not to look up at Natalie at all. Maybe I made a mistake in asking Bethany to meet up here and have dinner.

"So, Bethany," Natalie starts and I can hear the venom in her voice. "What made you want to leak pictures of Zac naked on the internet?" she asks and I raise my eyebrow wondering how Natalie has connected the dots. How has she figured out that Bethany is the one who leaked my naked pictures?

Bethany's head shoots up but before she can get a word in, Taylor speaks up, "How do you know she is the one who leaked the pictures?" he asks voicing what I was thinking.

Natalie looks at Taylor, "I have friends here in Tulsa who are fans," she smiles sweetly but I can see in her eyes that she is still being catty towards Bethany. "Some of those friends know Bethany well enough that things just get back to me."

Bethany blushes a bright red and I'm surprised she has even told her friends anything about us, "I did it because I wanted to make Zac pay for calling me the wrong name, Natalie," Bethany shrugs as she smirks and locks eyes with Natalie. "Would you like to know what name he called me?"

"I called her Kate," I cut in and lie, casting a glance at her. This is no time for her to reveal that I called her Natalie. Not with Taylor sitting at the table too. "Now how about we finish this food in peace with no more bitchy outbursts from either of you."

After what I say the rest of the dinner goes by uneventful and Taylor stands after he finishes, "Why don't Zac and I do dishes and you and Bethany can get more acquainted," Taylor smiles down at Natalie and I almost want to face palm. Does he want his wife to get arrested for murder?

Natalie just nods and stands up, Bethany slowly walking behind her like she is marching to her own death.

I stand up as well and grab some of the dishes while Taylor gets the rest, "Are you crazy?" I ask him as I turn on the water and start to clean the dishes I had brought over here.

"Not as crazy as my wife. I needed them gone to tell you what Natalie brought up earlier with me," Taylor sighs and I look at him wondering what Natalie could have brought up that he would find crazy. "She brought up wanting to have a threesome with you. Each time I said no she kept begging even more."

I get lightheaded when I hear what Natalie has brought up. She is fucking crazy. Wanting a threesome with Taylor and I. "Well you said no, it doesn't matter anymore."

Taylor shakes his head, "I kept saying no until she refused to have sex with me. I told her fine, it would depend on what you said when I ask you."

I shake my head. I know a threesome with them would end badly. I mean how could I watch Natalie have sex with Taylor again. Especially now that I know I love her. I would just get jealous, but I can't turn Natalie down. I can't turn down the chance to be with her.

"Fine," I finally say. "Tell Natalie I will have a threesome with you and her," I shrug as I watch Taylor's face pale and I wonder if he was hoping I would say no.

Finishing up the dishes I had been washing, I put them in the drainer and leave the kitchen, finding Natalie and Bethany in the living room in one piece. Natalie's two eldest kids are still up, even though I swear she put all of them to bed before the grown ups ate.

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