Chapter 29

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Aria's Pov

I would lunge and Hunter would use his shoulder to bump me away from him. I dug my claws into the ground in order to keep myself from skidding to much away from him. 

I growled and ran at him. He jumped onto my back and I tried to buck him off of me. But I got nowhere. Hunter had his grip on me. 

"You're going to have to try a lot harder than that to get me off." Hunter said to me via a mind message.

I grinned and Nina said "You're going to wish you never said that."

"Oh crap." I heard him say.

I ran and I jumped and smashed my back into a tree and I heard Hunter grunt. I then smashed my back and rolled. I got Hunter off and I growled and ran and smashed right into him. He fell to the ground and shifted back into himself. 

I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." He said.

I shifted into myself and stood. I held out my hand and was going to help him up when something slammed into me, knocking me to the ground.

I looked and I saw two twin wolves staring and panting down at me. 

I raised both my knees and kneed them hard in the stomachs. They groaned and stumbled back and shifted into themselves. 

 I grinned and said "You two never learn, do you?"

They looked at me and smiled.

I heard a growl and I turned around and I saw Jason in his wolf form. 

"How 'bout it Aria? One last fight?" I heard him said.

I grinned and I said "If you want to fight me. You're going have to shift into yourself."

He did and he grinned. He got into a ready position and I got into mine. We began to circle each other and everyone else shifted into their human forms and watched us.

I made the first move. I spun and brought down my foot and he just knocked it to the side and went to kick me. I jumped away and I blocked his swing. He spun and kicked and I blocked his swing but his foot slammed into my side. I stumbled and I looked up and I barely got my arms up in a "x" in time to block his foot. He pressed down and I still managed to keep his foot up.

I pushed him off and I spun and swiped my fist at him. It was blocked and I saw him spin and I stepped forward and I grabbed his foot and held it.

He stood there huffing and I smiled. But he wasn't done yet. He brought up his knee and he kneed me in the stomach. I grunted and he slipped out and I moved back a few steps.

He would kick and punch and I would move and dodge. He was quick and always had me moving. It was hard to kick or swing at him because I was always trying to block him. I finally saw an opening and as his foot touched the ground I spun and he went to kick and I grabbed his leg and twisted and he fell to the ground.

He looked up at me and grinned. He jumped up and I was in my ready position and he spun and began to kick again. He let me try to kick and swing at him and I always blocked his. There were a few times I would punch him and kick him and there were times where I blocked at the wrong time and he kicked and punched me. I kept coming at him and him at me. We did this until I went to kick and he grabbed my leg and flipped me onto the ground.

I looked up at him. He was dripping with sweat and he smiled down at me. I stood and I was finally starting to huff and I was out of breath. But I wasn't done with him yet.

I side stepped and I slammed the side of my body into him and he stumbled. I spun and kicked and kicked him in the side. He stumbled again and came at me with a floor sweep. I jumped over his leg and I flipped myself over him. He grinned and stepped back and bumped me while I was landing. This made me stumble and fall. I looked up at him and he stood there smiling down at me.

I smiled and he spun and went to stomp on me and I brought up my hands and stopped his foot. I lightly twisted and shoved his foot away. I jumped up to my feet only to be punched in the side of the face. I stumbled and was dazed for a minute. When my vision cleared I ducked and Jace's fist went over my head and just barely brushed my hair. I ran forward and smashed into him and I tackled him to the ground. He grunted from the hard landing and I stood up.

He went to stand up but I jumped and slammed my body on his back. He fell to the ground and in a flash he flipped himself over and he did something that I was not aware of. He began to tickle me. I burst out laughing and I crawled away from him. I stood and he grinned as he rose.

"What on earth was that for?" I said.

He laughed and said "It is a way to win in a battle."

I scoffed and said "It's called cheating."

He laughed and turned away. 

"Sore loser." He mumbled.

I walked past him and I grabbed his ankle and pulled. He fell to the ground and I smiled down at him.

"Never turn your back on your opponent. Oh and I win." I said.

He smiled and stood. 

"We sure are going to miss you Aria." Alex said.

I looked at him and I said "I know. I'll miss you guys too."

"You'll visit?" Alec asked me.

I nodded and I said "Of course I will."

I had said my goodbyes and I went to my car and I drove slowly away. I soon got home and I wanted to let Nina spend some time with Lucas. 

I shifted into my wolf form and I walked into my house and barked once.

I heard silence and then a light chuckle.

"I'm up here Nina." I heard Lucas say.

I went up the stairs and into our room. Lucas was laying on the bed with his back against the wall. I walked up to the bed and I hopped onto the bed. Lucas smiled and I snuggled up to him.

He stroked my fur and I felt Nina sigh and look up at him. 

"We're spending time with Mate! This is the most perfect moment." I heard Nina say. 

I agreed and I snuggled closer and slowly began to fall asleep. 

"Have a nice sleep Nina. We leave early tomorrow morning." I heard him say.

He drew the blankets up and pulled them over me. Then he turned the lights off.

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