Shower Tunes.

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What is it about me and you

Sometimes I feel like when we are apart 

We have a similar mind that connects between these universe apart 

We don't know each other but I feel like we are connected 


This shower tunes 

I've been looking to find some cool tunes to wake up to in the morning 

then I found this 

Our taste of music is similar and completing each other 

You know, 

This crazy thoughts that one day I will meet you 

and I know your eyes will connects when we look at each other 

and I know that you will feel the same as I do 

You know, 

The thought of you coming into my mind everyday 

Like a refreshing soul of my busy hectic life 

I don't know about you but I feel the same about you 

I know you are out there 

Somewhere in between 

and I know for sure 

I've come across your dream 

and then when we meet 

We could be together 

If you want to 

I want you to 


Take me 

We could both know that you and I 

Are meant for each other 

Crawling back to you 

Like spiders and its net 

You know how I feel about you 

I know how you feel about me 

We've met before 

I knew you saw me before 

and we were so close 

I was about to take your photo but your mind is somewhere between those screaming girls 

and you were driving home back from your concert in Sydney All Phones Arena 

I was there 

and I know you saw me 

I know that one day

some day 

the universe will make a force for us and joint us together 

A relationship 

A creative relationship 

Between each other 


But I know 

We'll get there. 

It's like God prepares us 

It's like He wants us to be together 

Things would be easier 

If there's a right way 

but every way and everyday has teach us to do things 

and to be better at our self 

just like before 

Before we met. 

 I fall in love with you every single day 



and I named my self after you. 

I hope you know that. 

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