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'You are here for a purpose, don't give up.'

Call me crazy, but this feeling is strong. I'm not a fan, neither I'm obsessed.

This voice is strong.

I can't deny them.

I have to follow it.

The question is,

Am I ready to face it with my all?


Have you ever wondered what is it like to have that voice that tells you that you're going to be Harry's wife OR his soulmate or even creative partner? and you've been struggling with it for the past years and that inner voice its always strong? 

It's like somehow you are connected with him? 

With Harry? 

It's like you are living in between the fine line of reality and imagination and somehow for some reason you believe it's true?

It's like he become your voice of hope and motivation? 

It's like he is your goals in life to do good or be better at your self because you believe that one day you will meet Harry and tell him about everything that you feel plus you know the day you meet Harry is the day that you are at your better self? 


Because this book is for you.


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