Dear Harry: V

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Dear Harry, 

So today, I took a day off from work. I suppose to help my friend with his Air Supply concert, but turns out the artist was sick and the production was canceled. 

I suppose to go for rehearsals today at this very weekend, but I didn't go because I've already asked for permission to not attend the important weekend rehearsals and I do feel bad about it. But hey, I thought, I need time to recharge with my self. To settle down, because my mind is going on twenty million seconds per seconds. 

I know, it doesn't make sense. But it is what it is. 

I can't sit down and settle down. I worried a lot. I moved to the right place and very close to work, but I don't know if I can live here again next year because I don't know if my job is easily replaceable? 

Well, I will try and do my best. 

I feel like I'm running on ecstasy or some sort of cocaine because this brain can't stop running, thinking, and planning. 

How are you there? 

Are you good?  

I hope you are thinking about me now. 

and makes you feel better after wards :D 

So when I decided to settle down, and just have a me time to my self, I worried about the rehearsals, I worried about my job, I worried why my team didn't tell me or confirming to me anything - because you know, even though I'm not there, I just want to be there and making sure everything is okay and good. 

You know? 

Then this news coming up, about Shane Filan, my favourite all the time idol is coming to Indonesia again and celebrate Christmas at that town. 

It's 4 hours flight from Jakarta and I just love that spontaneity reaction to like 

"YAS, LET'S GO !" 


It's like my brain needs distraction from the reality that I'm having now. 

Not that I'm not thankful about it, but I feel like my brain or my self or my energy needed something like a boost, like that extraordinary life, that is out of the box - and again thinking like this life is like an arcade game where I ride on something, swap my money to the arcade game tickets and just go for it without having a second thoughts. 

Maybe other will think that I'm not mature enough 

Or I'm not planning ahead for my future 

But I know for sure, I needed that boost of Spontaneity.

Surprisingly enough, it's like an addiction to me. 

It's like filling my brain with a jolt of spontaneity to keep my creativity going. 

And I always believe that everywhere I go it's like God sew that destiny for me and He'll make sure that I'm there. 

Just like I am now. 

I'm seeing Shane Filan tomorrow and I thank Jesus for it! 


"How are you? Have you been doing good?" 

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