Today : Dreams II

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Today as i woke up at 8am, saw my Harry alarm, i went back to bed again.

I somehow ended up dreaming about meeting Harry Styles in Indonesia. There was a function near the beach for the boys and I saw Harry stood there talking to someone, at first I was encountering Liam, but he was about to surf on the beach.

It's weird that I was just the only one / fans wise amongst other people.

I asked Liam for a photo before I found Harry, but he didn't say much. He only say yes but in an unfriendly way. So i skipped the opportunity and went on as I found Harry.

I approach him and asked him if I could have a picture with him. He nods and I immediately kiss him on the cheek after I hugged him. It was a bit awkward. I almost kissed his lips. Haha.

'Sorry' I say,

Then I went on to my camera, which was fell on the sand when I approach him. I couldn't take a proper photos with him like a selfie. Then i went on my conscious mind to take note that i should get a self stick camera -

When I took the photos with harry, he's directing us of how we should do the photos, i took 2-3 photos with him as he directed us. Then he went on but i approach him again because it's like the two of us - like theres no fans except me. But inside my heart i feel rushed and embarrassed.

"harry, this might be sound really weird and awkward but God told me that you are my husband/soulmate."

He laughs.

"No, I mean it."

Then somehow we were holding hands and I feel like I'm proving my point right to him through some unspoken events when we took our photos together and while walking through the sands and the walking trail.

It was really beautiful. We were really close to each other and everything happens like naturally between me and him.

Then we ended up somehow in the hotel where the guys were staying.

there are a lot of girls/fans around. But i kept catching him after our meeting at the beach - and I found somehow I follow him around. But it was only me that know / found his existence.

Then i ended up hiding in the toilet in the thoughts of me with him but i was actually holding a white teddy bear. It was frantic because the fans starting to find out and was peeking underneath the toilet door like crazy.

Then i woke up from the dream.

Every time I was dreaming about being with Harry. It's started like that, like i was the only one that close to him and ended up being rushed by other fans/other fans found out and i have to run and hide him away.

Then i woke up from the dream. But the dream was memorable and beautiful.

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